Civil Rights:Black Panthers

  • Voting Rights Act passed

    This makes it easier for Southern blacks to register to vote. Literacy tests, poll taxes, and other such requirements that were used to restrict black voting are made illegal.
  • Creation of the Black Panthers

    Created by Huey Newton, and Bobby Seale for self defense.Fought segregation by mass organizing, and community based programs.
  • Creation of the Ten Point Program

    The ten point program was a list of requests given to the Government by The Black Panthers as a gift for all of the years of segregation.
  • first member- Bobby Hutton

    Sixteen-year-old Bobby Hutton becomes the first male recruit of the BPP.
  • Black Panther Party office opens

    First BPP office opens at 5624 Grove Street, Oakland, CA.
  • Black Panther members patrol streets

    *in Oakland, CA
  • Stokely Carmichael- "black power"

    Stokely Carmichael, a leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), coins the phrase "black power" in a speech in Seattle. He defines it as an assertion of black pride and "the coming together of black people to fight for their liberation by any means necessary." The term's radicalism alarms many who believe the civil rights movement's effectiveness and moral authority crucially depend on nonviolent civil disobedience.
  • Black Panther Party Community News- first issue

    The first issue of the Black Panther Party Black Community News Service is published. This four-page mimeograph newspaper headlines "Why Was Denzil Dowell Killed?"
  • Armed Black Panther Party members invade California's capitol

    protesting the legislation that limits the right to bear arms
  • Free Breakfast for Children

    Is initiated at St. Augustine's church in Oakland. The Panthers had set up kitchen's across the nation feeding over 10,000 children everyday before they went to school.
  • Free Huey Movement rally

    A "Free Huey" rally is held at the Oakland Auditorium on Newton's birthday. More than 5,000 supporters attend including Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, James Forman, Ron Dellums, and Peace and Freedom Party representatives.
  • Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver published

    becomes best-seller
  • FBI involved

    An FBI memo from J. Edgar Hoover outlines goals to his staff to "Prevent the coalition of militant black nationalist groups."
  • Oakland Police and Black Panther Party members have shoot out

    Bobby Hutton, 17 year old Black Panther Party member- also the first male recruit, is shot and killed. An Oakland police officer is also killed. The shoot-out also results in the murder of Bobby Hutton; Eldridge Cleaver is wounded. Seven other Panthers are arrested.
  • Huey Newton's manslaughter trial

    Huey Newton is convicted voluntary manslaughter and is sentenced to 2-15 years in prison. by 1970 the conviction is appealed and overturned.
  • Black Panthers help people register to vote

    Panther volunteers register Oakland citizens to vote.
  • Eldridge Cleaver and United Nations

    Eldridge Cleaver takes Panther case to the United Nations.
  • West Oakland BPP office opens

    The West Oakland Panther office opened by Tommy Jones, Glen Stafford, and other dedicated Panther volunteers.
  • Free Huey Movement protest

    More than 6,000 protestors come out in support of Huey Newton on the steps of the Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland. The national and international press is present as well as the National Guard.
  • Brown Berets support Free Huey Movement

    The newly formed Brown Berets make their appearance on the courthouse steps in support of Huey.
  • West Oakland BPP Office Raided

    The West Oakland Party office is raided and ransacked by police.
  • Bobby Seale and David Hilliard speak to 5000 people

    Chairman Bobby Seale and Captain David Hilliard speak to a crowd of 5,000 across the street from the Democratic National Convention.
  • BPP and Hoover- "greatest threat"

    J. Edgar Hoover declares the Black Panther Party the "greatest threat to the internal security of the country".
  • Huey P. Newton sentenced to prison for killing the Oakland police officer

    Sentenced to 2-15 years. Court of appeals reverses the conviction and then there were two more trials- ends in mistrials. Newton's jury deliberates for four days and in the end come up with a compromise verdict, convicting Huey of voluntary manslaughter. He is acquitted of the assault charge and the kidnap charges are dropped.
  • Huey Newton sentenced to prison

    Huey P. Newton is sentenced to 2 to 15 years in state prison and removed from Oakland in five minutes. Judge Friedman refuses al meetings for granting a mistrial.
  • Eldridge Cleaver's parole revoked and sent to prison

    Eldridge Cleaver's parole is revoked and he is sent back to prison.
  • Oakland Police shoot at Black Panther Party Office

    Four hours after Huey's conviction, two (admittedly drunk) on-duty Oakland police officers commit a drive-by shooting of the BPP office on Grove Street.
  • Free Breakfast for Children Program started

    The Panthers' Free Breakfast for Children Program (FBCP) is under way at St. Augustine's Church in Oakland.
  • Free Breakfasts start and numbers rapidly increase

    Vallejo, CA, Black Panther Party starts Free Breakfast for Children Program with 35 children. Within a week the number of children grows to 110.
  • Bobby Seale tours internationally

    Panthers Bobby Seale and Masai Hewitt tour Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.
  • Free Huey Movement rallies

    "Free Huey" rallies are held in 20 major cities at U.S. federal district courts.
  • Liberation School starts

    The Liberation School, a BPP survival program, starts.
  • United Front Against Facism conference

    In Oakland, the United Front Against Fascism conference runs 3 days. The goal is to plan and discuss community control of police.
  • Bobby Seale kidnapped

    Bobby Seale is kidnapped by Berkeley police after leaving the wedding of Masai Hewitt and Shirley Neely. He is immediately taken to San Francisco and charged with initiating the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago and New Haven murder of Alex Rackley.
  • Free medical clinic

    The BPP in Chicago opens a free medical health clinic.
    Another major survival program.
  • LA Police attack BPP members

    Los Angeles police department launches a full- scale attack on Southern California Panthers in a predawn raid. At two separate locations, 400 officers arrest Party members and children. During one shoot-out, Roland Freeman's body is riddled with bullets, but he survives.
  • Hoover dies

  • Newton returns to Oakland

  • Huey Newton killed in West Oakland