13 admendment
the constitution declared neither slavery nor involuntary servitude except as punishment where of the party shall have been a daily convinced or any place subject to their juristdiction -
Period: to
the NAACP was founded in 1909 on 2/12/1909 their method was to use lawyers and courts to argue the education received by African american students was inherently inferior since it sent a message African american students weren't good enough -
desegregation of us army
president Truman created an important benchmark in the quest for equality and civil rights for African Americans to fight alongside of white soldiers the -
delgado vs bastrop
Delgado sued under claim that separation of Mexican american students was a state law violation the us court district agreed and ordered the school district to stop segregation of Mexican american students with other students -
desegregation of the millitary
in February 1948 president Truman created an important benchmark in the quest for equality and civil rights for African Americans to fight along white cops which created a basic employment board to eliminate discrimination in the federal employment this was one of the first times the us government desegregated a gov job -
montgormey bus boycott
in which African Americans refused to ride the city buses in Montgomery Alabama to protest segregation seating it is the first large scale demonstration against segregation -
civil rights act of 1957
the civil rights act to increase African american voting in the south the act created the civil rights commission and established a civil rights division in the us justice system the law gave federal courts the power to register africaan voters -
black panther tip
we want to be free went the power to determine the black community
we want fair employment of black people
we want housing fit for human beings
we want freedom for all black people held in prisons jails and county -
edgewood vs kirby
in 1971 the supreme court ruled kids do not have rights under the us constitution to a education civil rights activist filed lawsuits to various supreme court sued because the poor kids weren't getting taught while rich kids were themaldef won because the education system is supposed to be fair and effient -
organization of malcom x
Malcolm X, theactivist and outspoken public voice of the Black Muslim faith, challenged the mainstream civil rights movement and the nonviolent pursuit of integration championed by Martin Luther King Jr.He urged followers to defend themselves against white aggression “by any means necessary.” Born Malcolm Little, he changed his last name to X to signify his rejection of his slave name. Charismatic and eloquent, Malcolm became an influential leader of the Nation of Islam, -
largest and oldest Hispanic organization in the us
goal was to advance economic condition opportunities for hispanics in the us -
national women organization
the national organization for women is an African american feminist organization founded in 1966 the group consist of 550 chapters in all 50 of us states and distract of Columbia now is the time to take action to bring action to bring women up in american society -
SCLC IS AN AFRICAN AMERICAN CIVIL ORGANIZATION THEM the main goal was to advance the cause or civil rights in america but in a nonviolent movement they directed an action campaign in Georgia with a serios