Civil rights

  • Brown vs Board of education

    Brown vs Board of education
    Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark Supreme Court case in 1954 that ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. The court’s decision overturned the “separate but equal” doctrine that had allowed racial segregation in public schools and other institutions. The case was a significant victory in the civil rights movement and paved way for further legal challenges to segregation and discrimination in America.
  • Emmet Till

    Emmet Till
    14 year old boy from Chicago
    He was accused of whistling at a white woman.
    2 men, Roy Bry and JE Milan kidnap, and beat, and shoot, and also kill the Emmet.
    They throw the body in the river.
    He was given an open casket funeral.
    Roy and Milan were found innocent.
  • Bus Boycott

    Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks refused to move seat for a white person.
    There is a boycott that black refuse to go on bus and lasts 381 days.
    MLK takes charge of the boycott.
    He makes it the biggest peaceful protest during the time.
  • Southern Christian Leadership

    Starts to form after the bus boycott.
    Marcher Luther king becomes “president” of it.
    They protest mostly in the south spike marching in Washington and Greensboro sit ins.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    They test the Brown vs Board of Education at a school.
    9 students were picked to undergo this experiment.
    The students go through hell in the school.
    They are given maximum protection (escorted into and out of school).
    Schools reopen in Aug 29, 1958
  • Greensboro

    4 college students go out to eat.
    They were denied service.
    They sit and waited and tons of other people join them.
    This caused a conflict in which nearby towns started to do and made them make a change.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and Freedom

    Youth group of students remained fiercely independent of MLK and SCLC, generating their own projects and strategies. The two organizations worked side by side throughout the early years of the civil rights movement. This group was the second half of the Freedom riders and were a part of the March to selma.
  • Freedom Riders

    2 week bus inp to the Deep South, to deliberately violate Jim Crow Laws. It was organized by CORE. The buses were burned and riders were beaten by the KKK Nov 1,
    1961. The white and colored sign are renewed from bus stations, train stations, and lunch counters.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    March on Washington for jobs and freedom was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. 250,000 people were in attendance at the Lincoln Memorial. MLK was the last to speak and gave his “I have a dream speech.” 70%-80% of marchers were black. It helped to pass the Civil Right Act of 1964
  • Civil Rights Acts of 1964

    Blacks can’t be refused any type of service.
    Employers or labor unions or any type of service company can’t deny service because of discrimination of any type.
    This prohibits any sort of discrimination.
  • March on Selma/Bloody Sunday

    600 students March from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama to get the right to vote. They walked 54 miles and were stopped at the bridge. Seen on national television. LBJ order the passage of 1965 voting rights laws. 2nd March took place March 21-24 with 25,000 Marchers including MLK.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    One of the most comprehensive pieces of legislation in US History. Blacks were registering to vote and being elected to public office.