Timeline cover

Civil Rights and Segregation Timeline

  • MLK was born

  • Period: to

    Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Prevalant racism in the South

    Prevalant racism in the South
    Racism becomes more obvious, as seen on plantations and isobvious in tenant farmers and sharecroppers. Colored workers were paid less, treated worse, and several atrocities were comitted towards them that went unpunished.
  • Benjamin Mays president of Morehouse College

    Benjamin Mays president of Morehouse College
    Benjamin Mays was elected president of Morehouse college in 1940 and retired in 1967. He was a major influence in Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and his development of morals, and was among the most articulate and outspoken critics of segregation before the rise of the modern civil rights movement in the United States.
  • Period: to

    Civil RIghts Era

  • Ellis Arnall elected

    Ellis Arnall elected
    Ellis arnall is elected. he will stay in office for four years, and they are refered to as the most progressive years in Georgia's history. He paid off a state de bt of 36 million dollars, as well as being somewhat progressive in the civil rights movement. However, Arnall refused to follow the examples of other southern states, and because of his inaction, it allowed the Eugene Talmadge faction to win the primary in 1946.
  • Election issue of 1946

    Election issue of 1946
    http://prezi.com/h_wrfsdazdcv/copy-of-1946-three-governors-controversey/In 1946, the death of Governor-elect Eugene Talmadge, was one of the more bizarre political spectacles in the annals of American politics. In the wake of Talmadge's death, his supporters proposed a plan that allowed the Georgia legislature to elect a governor in January 1947. When the General Assembly elected Talmadge's son as governor, the newly elected lieutenant governor, Melvin Thompson, claimed the office of governor, and the outgoing governor, Ellis Arnall, refused to leave office.
  • Brown VS Board of Education

    Brown VS Board of Education
    The Warrens Court declares that segregation in schools is unconstitutional, and says that all schools must offer equal opportunities for colored and white children.
  • Georgia Changes its flag

    Georgia Changes its flag
    Georia changed its falg to resemble the confedrerate battle flag as a message to the rest of the United States that it viewed what they were doing as the right thing, and that racism would be tolerated in this state.
  • Scouther Christain Leadership Conference created

    Scouther Christain Leadership Conference created
    Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. helped create this religious based, passively protesting organization. They focussed on Civil Rights and helping the advancement of colored people.
  • Sibley Comission

    Sibley Comission
    http://prezi.com/utp3u5r2-s_m/georgia-and-the-1960s-and-1970s-civil-rights-movement/The Sibley Comission was created in 1960 by the current governor, Ernest Vandeliver Jr. in order to ask the population on their opinion on desegregating students, instead of having to flat out desegregate them.
  • Creation of Student non Violent Coordinating Comitee

    Creation of Student non Violent Coordinating Comitee
    http://prezi.com/utp3u5r2-s_m/georgia-and-the-1960s-and-1970s-civil-rights-movement/SNCC was created in April 1960, and in 1969, was no longer non-violent, changed name to Student National Coordinating Committee. Worked to give equal rights to black and white students in America.
  • First black students admitted to UGA

    First black students admitted to UGA
    Two African-American students applied tio the university of Georgia and were accepted. They were named Carlayne hunter and Hamilton Holmes. they recieved alot of backlash from students already there, and had things thrown at their dorm windows, racist signs put up, and recieved general hate. However, they persevered and earned their educatioon.
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
    http://prezi.com/etyikxl0meqk/lester-maddox/Elected governor of Georgia, was pro segregatiom and endorsed several pro segregation candidates both for state offices and for president. (George Wallace, 1968) Upon the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., he denied the slain civil rights leader the honor of lying in state in the Georgia state capitol.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
    On March 29, 1968, King went to Memphis, Tennessee, in support of the black sanitary public works employees, represented by AFSCME Local 1733, who had been on strike since March 12 for higher wages and better treatment. King was booked in room 306 at the Lorraine Motel, owned by Walter Bailey, in Memphis. Then, at 6:01 p.m., April 4, 1968, a shot rang out as King stood on the motel's second-floor balcony. Rev. King was declared dead at 7:05 pm.
  • Maynard Jackson

    Maynard Jackson
    http://prezi.com/psejs8klzklv/maynard-jackson/Server 3 terms from (1974–82, 1990–94). Jackson improved race relations in Georgia. Began several huge projects in and around the Atlanta area. Played a major role in bringing the 1996 summer olymipics to Atlanta.