Civil Rights and Reform in the 1960s

  • Brown V. Board of education

    Brown V. Board of education
    African-American children were segregated in different schools from white children.African-American school were not equal to white schools. Brown V. Board of Education helped establish the precedent that schools should be "Separate but equal" Education. however they were not equal at all.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery for refusing to move from her bus seat for a white passenger and was fined $10,plus $4 court fees. "Within days,African American organized a city wide boycott to demand desegregation of city buses." During the boycott many black citizens walked everywhere they needed to go rather than ride the bus. The goals of bus boycott were: -End the racial segregation on buses
    -Allowing African American to sit anywhere on buses
    -Hiring of black drivers.
  • Murder of Emmett Till

    Murder of Emmett Till
    Emmett Till was African American brutally murdered for supposedly whistling at a white woman.His body was discovered in the shallow waters of the Tallachic river.
    100,000 people attended his funeral. This forced the American public to face consequences of racism,and many outraged young people joined the Civic Rights Movement.It also received extensive media attention which brought awareness to the violence,and injustice face by African American,not only in the south but throughout the country.
  • The Sit-in movement

    The Sit-in movement
    four students started protest movement when they sat at a white only counter.They cameback with more protesters in the next day this movement became nonviolent way to fight segragation .and the goal was Desegregation of public facilities.The movement grew to include thousands of participants.
    The movement weakened segregation and empowered thousands of students to fight for civil rights.
  • The Freedom Rides

    The Freedom Rides
    Freedom riders were groups of white and African civil rights activists who participated in bus trips throughout the American south to protest segregated bus terminals,rest rooms,and other facilities.
    These Actions brought attention to the injustice and contributed to the eventual desegregation of public transportation.Their efforts paved the way for significant progress in the fight for equality and acceptance for African Americans in the United States.
  • March Against Fear

    March Against Fear
    James Meredith planned a solo march to publicize the fear of african american felt when voting,two days into his journey ,James Meredith was shot and wounded in a in a roadside attack,leader of the civil rights movement ,including Martin Lutther Jr. and strokely Carmicheal,rushed to take up his cause ,what started as one mans mission became the'March against fear".
  • The civil Right act of 1964

    The civil Right act of 1964
    Ended the discrimination in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race,color,region,sex or national considered one of the crowning legislative achievement of the civil rights movements.
    President Lyndon B. Johnson Signed the civil rights act of 1964 into law
  • Assasination of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Assasination of Martin Luther King Jr.
    On April 4,1968,Martin Luther King jr was shot,while he was standing on the balcony of his hotel in Memphis Tennessee the shooter was James Earl Ray.King's assassination unleashed a storm of violence, fueled by grief over his death and frustration over continued racial inequality.More than a thousand turned out for Martin Luther King Jr.'s funeral the fight for economic equality. He wanted better jobs, better homes, and better education for poor people of all races.
  • Black arts and Culture

    Black arts and Culture
    Due to discrimination and oppression, hip hop and rap emerged in the 1970s and 1980s and gave African Americans a voice for their feelings of being ignored and discriminated Against. In Kool Moe Dee's song, he sang about the progress of African Americans for the future.
  • Election of Barack Obama

    Election of Barack Obama
    When Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008 he brought a new feeling for many African Americans. The crowds cried when they listened to Barack Obama's victory speech 50 years after the civil rights movement ,The United States had finally elected an African American to the highest office in the land.