
Civil Rights along the cold war

  • World War II ends

    World War II ends
    The United States and the Soviet Union emerge as superpowers, marking the beginning of the Cold War.
  • World War II ends

    World War II ends
    The United States and the Soviet Union emerge as superpowers, marking the beginning of the Cold War.
  • Period: to


  • Truman signs Executive Order 9981

    Truman signs Executive Order 9981
    Desegregating the U.S. military
  • Truman signs Executive Order 9981

    Truman signs Executive Order 9981
    Desegregating the U.S. military
  • Cold War intensifies with the Berlin Blockade

    Cold War intensifies with the Berlin Blockade
    Marshall Plan to aid Western Europe's post-war recovery
  • Cold War intensifies with the Berlin Blockade

    Cold War intensifies with the Berlin Blockade
    Marshall Plan to aid Western Europe's post-war recovery
  • Korean War begins

     Korean War begins
    Further heightening Cold War tensions
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • Landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education

    Landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education
    Rules that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    On a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957 is signed into law

     Civil Rights Act of 1957 is signed into law
    Establishing the U.S. Civil Rights Commission
  • Little Rock Nine face resistance

    Little Rock Nine face resistance
    As they integrate Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas
  • The U-2 Incident

    The U-2 Incident
    U.S. spy plane is shot down over the Soviet Union, increases Cold War tensions
  • Period: to


  • John F. Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps

    John F. Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps
  • March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

    March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
    Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous "I Have a Dream" speech
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 is signed into law

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 is signed into law
    Prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 is passed

     Voting Rights Act of 1965 is passed
    Eliminating barriers to voting for African Americans
  • Black Panther Party is founded

    Black Panther Party is founded
    In Oakland, California.
  • Civil Rights Movement begins to evolve into the Black Power Movement

     Civil Rights Movement begins to evolve into the Black Power Movement
    With various leaders advocating for more radical approaches to achieving civil rights
  • Signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)

    Signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)
    The continous fight of the US and the USSR keeps moving forward
  • Period: to


  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is passed by Congress

    Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is passed by Congress
    Prohibiting discrimination based on sex.
  • The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan

    The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
    Escalating Cold War tensions
  • Ronald Reagan is elected President of the US

    Ronald Reagan is elected President of the US
    Ushering in a conservative era in American politics
  • Period: to


  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    Established as a Federal holiday
  • U.S. Congress passes the Anti-Apartheid Act

    U.S. Congress passes the Anti-Apartheid Act
    Imposing sanctions on South Africa to protest apartheid
  • Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty is signed

    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty is signed
    Leading to the elimination of certain nuclear weapons
  • Period: to


  • Cold War officially ends

    Cold War officially ends
    With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December, Gorbachov resings
  • Crown Heights riot in New York City

    Crown Heights riot in New York City
    Highlights ongoing racial tensions and violence.
  • Rodney King riots erupt

    Rodney King riots erupt
    In Los Angeles after the acquittal of police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King
  • Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa

    Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa
    The first black person in achieving this
  • The Million Man March takes place

    The Million Man March takes place
    In Washington, D.C., calling for racial unity and justice
  • President Bill Clinton signs the Welfare Reform Act into law

    President Bill Clinton signs the Welfare Reform Act into law
    Which affects low-income communities, including many African Americans
  • U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of affirmative action in higher education

    U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of affirmative action in higher education
    In the case of Grutter v. Bollinger.
  • James Byrd Jr. is brutally murdered in a racially motivated hate crime

    James Byrd Jr. is brutally murdered in a racially motivated hate crime
    Leading to renewed discussions on hate crime legislation