Voting Rights Act of 1965

  • Introduced to the Senate

    The bill was introduced by Mike Mansfield and Everett Dirksen.
  • Passed by the Senate

  • Passed the House with Amendments

  • Considered and Reported by a Joint Conference Comittee

  • Agreed to by the House

  • Agreed to by the Senate

  • Bill Signed into law

  • First set of Amendments to the act Signed into law

    The bill was signed by President Nixon, the amendments extended special provisions and created a uniform rule for absentee voting.
  • Second set of Amendments signed into law

    The amendments were signed by Gerald Ford, extended special provisions, and expanded protections for other minorities.
  • Third set of Amendments passed

    Signed into law by Ronald Reagan, the amendments extended special provisions and changed certain provisions related to bailouts.