Brown vs Board of Education
It was originally a case where they brought 5 cases into one big pile. Because mainly blacks couldn’t go to white schools so they went to schools that welcomed them and that separate but equal was wrong, they canceled many schools that were segregated. -
Emmet Till
A case where a young boy who whistled at a white women, 3 days later he’s been kidnapped by Roy Bryant and Cardyn Bryant. They eye detached, cut off ear, barbwire-wrapped around his neck and got weighted down to be thrown of the water. -
Rosa Parks/ Bus Boycott
A case where Rosa Parks refused to move seats on the bus at night where they told her to get out of the bus and talk about it. She was fined 10 dollars, which today it’s nearly 115 dollars. After MLK sent out flyers in churches and to everyone so they could boycott the bus system. 381 days the buses ran empty then supreme court allowed black people to ride on the buses equal. -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
A group consisting of black pastors that made events for people of color. SCLC used nonviolent methods after Martin Luther Kings conviction for less violence for people of color. The organization registered for black people to vote especially to provide better jobs for them. -
Little Rock 9
A case where 9 black students wanted to go to school, but the problem was that they only wanted to go to a white school. Arkansas state calls the National Guard to halt them. President Eisenhower calls in and tells Arkansas state that they could go to the white school, so he called in 1,200 military men to escort the 9 black students from school to home. -
Greensboro Sit-ins
A case where 4 college students went Wodworth’s to buy items for themselves. Then they go sit at a lunch counter not far from the store. They were refused to accept their orders and had to leave, but they stayed. They closed down the store, they came back mainly everyday, due to that store lost money and business. -
Freedom Riders
A case where there was 436 individuals in 60 separate Freedom Riders . It started in Washington D.C and went to the south to desegregate bus stations, diners and hotels.
A diverse group of college students arrived in Anniston, Alabama blocked by KKK. Car was completely ambushed in many ways. -
March on Washington
A case where 250,000 people marched in Washington D.C to hear the speech of MLK which was “I have a dream”. It was a peaceful, respectful protest for jobs and freedom. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
A case where LBJ and MLK enabled the government to prevent racial discrimination segregation based on one’s race, religion, color and etc. -
Malcom “X”
A case where Malcom X wanted black people to start their own business and believing in themselves that they can do it. He hated white people because during his childhood his parents were shot by whites. Later he met a guy called Elijah Muhammad and converted to Islam. Eventually he liked whites, he declared racial separation. He was shot 21 times and Thomas Hagan convicted of killing. -
A case where black people marched to Montgomery, Alabama. The reason was is that so they could register to vote which was 54 miles from Selma to Montgomery. At the Edmond bridge troopers brutally beat them down. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
A case where LBJ ended the rights to vote for African Americans any discrimination in voting. This lead to a federal matter and not the state. -
A case where Martin Luther King Jr. went on the second floor of a motel in Memphis due to the protest that happened there. He got shot on the neck with a Remington Rifle. He died the very next day in the morning and the person sentenced to death was James Earl Ray.