Plessy v. Ferguson
Plaintiff - homer plessy
Defendant - john h ferguson
Major issue - racial discrimination under the law
Outcome - plessey did not win the case -
Brown v board
plaintiff- oliver brown
Defendant- BOE
Major issue - segregation in public schools
Outcome - schools became unsegregated -
Gideon v. Wainwright
Plaintiff - gideon
Defendant - wainwright
Issue - people who couldnt afford an attorney would be an almost guaranteed loss
Outcome - they created an ammendment that made it to where the state has to appoint an attorney to the defendent -
Griswold v. Connecticut
Plaintiff - estelle griswold
Defendant - all of connecticut
Major issue - contraceptives were banned for couples
Outcome - they became unbanned -
Miranda v. Arizona
Plaintiff - miranda
Defendant - the whole state of arizona
Issue - guy didnt know his rights when he was arrested
Outcome miranda rights were created -
Roe v. Wade
Plaintiff - jane roe
Defendant - wade
Issue - cant get abortion
Outcome - can now get abortion -
Frontiero v. Richardson
Plaintiff - frontiero
Defendant - richardson
Problem - some things were sexist
Outcome - things became unsexist -
Regents of university of california v. Bakke
Plaintiff - bakke
Defendant - regents of university of cali
Issue - discrimination of acceptance based on race
Outcome - still discrimination but have to look at other factors -
Bowers v. Hardwick
Plaintiff - bowers
Defendant - michal hardwick
Issue - gay people couldnt be gay together
Outcome - that issue stands -
Casey v. Planned parenthood
Plaintiff - planned parenthood
Defendant - casey
Issue - abortion could be turned into a bunch of hurdles by the state
Outcome - they removed the hurdles