Civil Rights

  • Scott v Sanford

    He was a slave who was trying to become a free man but was rejected his right because the government can´t take away property. Since he was a slave, and they were considered property at the time. This was before reconstruction.
  • Reconstruction

    This was something done by the government to make amends to what happened with slavery, but it had lots of downfalls like the KKK forming. Multiple laws were made like civil rights act of 1866, and the abolition of slavery.
  • End of reconstruction

    reconstruction ended
  • Jim Crow Era

    It was a time period where segregation was allowed. There were lots of racist laws in the South during this time period
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    This is a case that was about a black man being in segregated train cars. The court set the Plessy Standard, which is separate but equal through the fourteenth amendment. This standard will come up in multiple other cases.
  • 19th amendment

    This is when woman's suffrage was made. Everyone now had the power to vote, and voice their opinion in our government.
  • Brown v Board

    This was a case where they decided if segregation in schools affected learning. They used the doll test as their primary evidence. In unanimous decision segregation in schools did create a feeling of inferiority, and took away the ability to learn. More info on the Brown v Board close read, and a-z activity
  • Jim Crow Era ends

    It ends
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This act was so that no one would be discriminated against for race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. If the state continues to discriminate, the federal government will pull funds. This was a big step to help limit racism.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    This act outlawed people from using literary tests, the grandfather clause, etc. So no southern states were allowed to stop people from voting because of race or gender.
  • Shelby County v Holder

    Eliminated preclearance enforcement from the voting rights act of 1965.