civil rights

  • key v. Carolina coach co.(p,)

    key v. Carolina coach co.(p,)
    Sarah keys was traveling from fort Dix to North Carolina to see her family. she was told to move from her seat for a white marine but she refused. the bus driver told everyone to move to another bus except for her since she refused to move seats for a while male to sit.
  • Period: to

    civil rights

  • Emmett Tills murder(vo)

    Emmett Tills murder(vo)
    till was 14 and staying with some family in Mississippi when he "whistled" and white women. he was kidnaped in the middle of the night a brutally killed by the white woman's husband and brother-in-law.
  • Montgomery bus boycott (p,nv)

    Montgomery bus boycott (p,nv)
    this was a 13 month long mass protest to stop segregation on buses. the Montgomery improvement association (MIA) made this protest. this event start on December 5, 1955, and ended on December 20, 1956
  • civil rights act of 1957(cc)

    civil rights act of 1957(cc)
    this act was to help protect voting rights. it gave federal officials the power to prosecute anyone that conspired to deny another citizens right to vote.
  • little rock nine(a, vo)

    little rock nine(a, vo)
    little rock nine was a group of black teens who were going to go to little Rock's central high school. on September 4 the students tried to go to their first day but they couldn't get in because of all of the angry people. on September 23 they went to school for 3 hours until they had to leave because people got violent. they finally went to school on September 25.
  • Greensboro sit in(p, nv)

    Greensboro sit in(p, nv)
    the Greensboro sit-in was where a group of black people sat at a lunch counter that didn't serve black people they refused to leave. the Greensboro four was Ezell Blair Jr., David Richmond, Franklin McCain, and Joseph McNeil. they did the first sit-in they didn't leave until the lunch counter closed then showed up the next day with more students from the surrounding colleges.
  • freedom rides(vp)

    freedom rides(vp)
    freeedom rides is a group of whites and aftrican americans who would take bus trips through the american south in protest of segregation on buses. they were organized by the congress of racial equality (CORE) they modled their organizations after the ones in 1947 but women were now inclueded. not only did they protest bus segregation but they also protesed for restrooms, lunch counters and waiting rooms.
  • Albany campaign(p,nv)

    Albany campaign(p,nv)
    the first mass movement in modern civil rights to have an entire community goal of desegregation, 1,000 African Americans got put in jail. Martin Luther King jr joined this protest and even though the movement itself was a fail MLK took his knowledge and experience and applied it in Brimingham Alabma.
  • march on Washington(nv)

    march on Washington(nv)
    a massive protest where about 250,000 people gathered at the lincoln memorial to show the continuing challenges and inequities that were still faced by African Americans. Martin Luther king jr also gave his "I have a dream" speech during the march on Washington.
  • Martin Luther Kings assassination(vp)

    Martin Luther Kings assassination(vp)
    MLK was assassinated in Memphis TN, on April 4, 1968. James Earl Ray was arrested for the murder of MLK and pleaded guilty without testimony he recanted his confession shortly after being arrested though the house select committee on assassinations said that he did. the only people who gave Ray sympathy and wanted to hear Ray out were MLK's family.
  • swann vs Charlotte mecklenburg (cc)

    swann vs Charlotte mecklenburg (cc)
    Charlotte was maintaining segregated schools. the supreme court decided that a good way to desegregate schools is busing.
  • Shirley Chrisholms presidential campaign(cc,a)

    Shirley Chrisholms presidential campaign(cc,a)
    Shirley Chisholm was the first African American woman to be elected into congress and served seven terms. she was a founding member of the congressional black causes and the national women's political causes. she was also the first African American woman to run for the Democratic president in 1972 with the slogan "unbought and unbothered." she did lose to an anti-Vietnam was candidate senator George McGovern. she then served 11 more years in congress.
  • Hank Aarons home run(a)

    Hank Aarons home run(a)
    Hank Aaron an Atlanta braves baseball player broke Babe Ruth's record of 714 home runs on April 8, 1974. He received hate mail and death threats throughout his career for being African America.
  • Barbara Jordan address at the democratic national convention(cc,a)

    Barbara Jordan address at the democratic national convention(cc,a)
    Barbara Jordan was a member of the U.S. house of representatives and was the first African American woman to give the keynote address to the democratic national convention on July 12, 1976.
  • university of California regents v. Bakke(cc)

    university of California regents v. Bakke(cc)
    Bakke sued the medical school at the University of Californa because when he applied even though they had spots open he got declined because those spots were reserved for African Americans. Bakke said the racial quota was unconstitutional. the court ruled the school's racial quota unconstitutional.