Civil Rights

By drought
  • XXIV (24th) Amendment

     XXIV (24th) Amendment
    The 24th Amendment of the United States prohibited any poll tax in elections for federal officials. Before this was ratified many states had a fee that was tube payed in order to vote.
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    Brown v Board of Education

    This was. a very important court case in which the United States Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal was constitutional. Brown was a little girl against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.
  • White Citizens Council

    White Citizens Council
    The WCC was similar to the KKK except that they attracted more of the middle and upper class. They became very violent and want black to be oppressed.
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    Brown v Board of Education II

    The court ordered that segregation in school is considered unconstitutional. Many people did not agree with this decision and decided to make violent acts.
  • Lynching of Emmett Till

     Lynching of Emmett Till
    Till was a 14 year old boy. in the south who was lynched for being accused of harassing a white woman in a store. The men who did it beat him so badly that is mother could bare recognize him.
  • Rosa Parks Arrested

     Rosa Parks Arrested
    Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white person on a city bus. The charge was civil disobedience. The arrest sparked a boycott that lasted over a year.
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    Montgomery bus boycott

    This was a civil rights protest where African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery, Alabama. It is considered the first U.S. large scale demonstration against segregation.
  • Bombing of Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth

    Bombing of Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth
    The Klu Klux Klan was responsible for the attempted murder of a civil rights leader. They deliberately targeted him and bombed his home. Luckily no one inside the home was too severely hurt.
  • Eisenhower sends in Federal Troops

    Eisenhower sends in Federal Troops
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to protect students who were black. Thier order was to protect 9 black students in school.
  • SCLC Founded

     SCLC Founded
    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was an African-American civil rights organization. This organization was heavily influenced by MLK.
  • Martin Luther King House Bombing

     Martin Luther King House Bombing
    MLK's house. was bombed by whites who believed in segregation because of the success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Minutes after the bombing King said, "I want you to love our enemies".
  • SNCC Formed

     SNCC Formed
    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was the main channel of student led groups during the Civil Rights movement. It consisted of many different students, black and white.
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    Greensboro sit ins

    The sit ins were a protest made after a few African American students staged a sit in at a lunch. counter where they were decided service but they refused to leave. The movement speed to many colleges in the south. Whites would sometimes become upset and become violent towards the participants.
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    Albany Georgia “failure”

    The Albany Movement is considered a failure because of its unsuccessful attempt to desegregate schools in Georgia. Although they had good intentions it did not end well.
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    Freedom Rides

    Freedom rides was a protest against segregated buses in 1961. Freedom Riders were groups of civil rights activists who participated. The participants met harsh violence in the Deep South, but they continued on to show how serious they were on the issue.
  • White mob attacks federal marshals in Montgomery

     White mob attacks federal marshals in Montgomery
    A white mob attacked freedom riders very brutally, and federal marshals were sent in. The mob did not stop there they decided to keep attacked the riders and the marshals with. baseball bats and other weapons.
  • Bailey v Patterson

     Bailey v Patterson
    This case stated that no state will require racial segregation of transport facilities.
  • MLK goes to a Birmingham jail

     MLK goes to a Birmingham jail
    He was sent to jail because he was protesting how black people were treated in Birmingham, Alabama. A court ordered that King could not hold protests there.
  • Equal Pay Act

     Equal Pay Act
    This act states that men and women be given equal pay for the. same jobs in the same workplace. JFK signed this into law as a part of his New Frontier Program.
  • Kennedy sends in Federal Troops

     Kennedy sends in Federal Troops
    President John F. Kennedy sent federal troops to the University of Alabama to force desegregation. Kennedy really wanted to make a change and desegregate America.
  • Assassination of Medgar Evers

     Assassination of Medgar Evers
    Evers was a WWII veteran and an American civil rights activist who was part of the NAACP. He was killed by Byron De La Beckwith Jr..
  • March on Washington “I have a Dream”

     March on Washington “I have a Dream”
    Martin Luther King stood in front of the Washington memorial and hundreds of people to give his speech in which he called for an end to racism. This speech was very inspiring and emotional for many.
  • Bombing of a church in Birmingham

     Bombing of a church in Birmingham
    A bomb exploded in a church during Sunday morning services in Alabama. The bomb killed some and injured many more.
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy

     Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas Texas during a parade. The next day his killer was also assassinated. Kennedy did not die right on site, he died 30 minutes later in Parkland Hospital.
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    Freedom Summer

    Freedom summer was a time where the US attempted to register as many African American voters as they could in Mississippi. Freedom Summer was not huge success; only 1,200 people registered to vote.
  • Killing of Goodman, Chaney, Schwerner

     Killing of Goodman, Chaney, Schwerner
    These boys were discovered 44 days after they were shot and killed. Two of the young men worked for CORE and the other was a college student who worked on gaining right for blacks.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

     Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The act prohibits discrimination based off race, sex, religion, and other things. It forbade discrimination again sex and race in hiring people for jobs.
  • Assassination of Malcom X

    Assassination of Malcom X
    Malcom X was a civil rights leader who influenced many African Americans. One of the groups he heavily influenced was the Black Panther Party. He was a Muslim Minister who was very well known for being the vocal spokesperson of the Nation of Islam.
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    Selma to Montgomery March

    Martin Luther King and the SCLC organized a march from Selma to Montgomery. The march ended in horrible violence and is sometimes called "Bloody Sunday".
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

     Voting Rights Act of 1965
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlawed discrimination inviting practices. This act was a response to barriers that prevent African-Americans from voting for almost a century.
  • Black Panthers Formed

     Black Panthers Formed
    The Black Panther Party was created originally for self defense but turned into a civil rights group. They were one of the semi-violent civil rights parties.
  • Loving v Virginia

     Loving v Virginia
    This is considered one of the most significant legal decisions of the civil rights era. It took down laws banning interracial marriage because they were violations of the 14th Amendment.
  • Minneapolis Riots

     Minneapolis Riots
    There was racial tension in North Minneapolis which ended in serious acts of violence. The. violence last for 3 days and relates to other riots across the country.
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    Detroit Riots

    The riots were due to African Americans becoming very frustrated and angry because of racism and segregation. These were among the bloodies riots in U.S. history.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    MLK was assassinated by firearm in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray. MLK was a famous civil rights activist who lead many marches and protests. He became very famous for his "I Have a Dream Speech."
  • Assassination of Robert “Bobby” Kennedy

     Assassination of Robert “Bobby” Kennedy
    Robert Francis Kennedy was a former United States Attorney General. He was very helpful during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. He helped develop the strategy to blockade Cuba.