Civil Rights

  • Emmet Till

    Emmet Till
    Accused of whistling at white woman. 3 days later Roy Bryant and others kidnapped, eye detached, ear cut off, bar wire wrapped around neck, weighted down 75 pound cotton gin fan, thrown into water.
  • Souther Christian Leadership Conference

    Souther Christian Leadership Conference
    A meeting of black church pastors to coordinate events for black people. MLK was elected the 1st president. This group used a nonviolent strategy. This group also registered blacks to vote, opposed Vietnam war and provide better jobs for blacks.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    9 students wanted to go to the white school. The governor of Arkansas called the National Guard to stop them. President Eisenhower calls in 1,200 military men to escort these students from home to class. 1959 all schools fully intergrated
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    A group of volunteers from 39 states, most were students. Arrived in Anniston, Alabama blocked by kkk. Tires were slashes, fire bombed, buses burned and beatings.
  • Selma

    Black marchers wanted to walk 54 miles to Montgomery to register to vote. At the Edmond bridge troopers brutally beat them.