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Feminist Movement
This movement revolves around the 19th century.It evolves women fighting for their rights to work jobs and have equal pay as men and to be treated equally. -
Founded in 1909 The Advancement of colored people (NAACP) is about trying to remove all barriers of racism,enactment and enforcement of federal,state.local laws to have securing rights.The NAACP is still up and running today -
Betty Friedan
Betty was very active in the Feminist movement . Betty wrote many books such as Feminine Mystique. -
Brown vs the Board of Education
This case was resolved on May ,17,1954. The case decided that it would end federal tolerance of racial segregation.The decision justified segregation in public facilities and schools. -
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The Montgomery bus boycott
The Montgomery bus boycott was when African Americans refused to ride the bus in Montgomery . This boycott lasted 381 days . The boycott started the day of Rosa Parks ,a African American women who refused to give her seat up on the best to a white man court hearing. -
Hippies are the name of people who did things out of the norm. Hippies were known for doing drugs ,wearing unique clothing and many other things. -
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Counterculture was about doing things out of the norm. People would rebel against what the norm was and the exact opposite -
The civil rights movement of 1964
The civil rights movement of 1964 was about the outlaws of discrimination based on race,color,religion,sex,or national origin. -
Black Power
This movement was about self defense for blacks and there neighbors from police brutality. This started because of a guy named James Meredith getting shot for marching peacefully from Memphis to Jackson. -
Martin Luther king assassination
Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated by James Earl Ray ,a small time criminal. James ended up pleading guilty and sentenced to 99 years in prison.