Brown V. Board of Education
The NAACP combines 5 cases from Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware and Washington DC, to Supreme Court. The court decides 9-0 that separate but equal is wrong. However many of these black students will never go to school with white students -
Emmett Till
Spark of civil rights movement -
Rosa Parks
Rosa is arrested for refusing to move so a white person could sit in her seat. She was fined $10. Martin Luther king jr. sends out flyers to boycott the bus. On Dec 5th the buses ran empty for 381 days. Supreme Court ruled bus had to let black people ride -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
A meeting of black church pastors to coordinate events for black people. Mlk was elected 1st president. This group used nonviolent tragedy. -
Little Rock 9
9 students wanted to go to a white school. -
Greensboro Sit ins
Go to buy items. Then go sit at the lunch counter they are refused service and told to leave but they stayed. Day after day they came back and did the same thing. The amount student over days to 1,000 -
Freedom Riders
43 individuals in 60 separate freedom riders. Start in Washington D.C go to the Deep South to desegregate bus stations. A diverse group of volunteers from 39 states most blocked by kkk, trees slashed, fire bombed, buses burned and beatings twin after town. -
March on Washington
250,000 people marched in Washington D.C. it was peaceful and respectful protest for jobs and freedom. Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream speech. MLK was the last speaker of the day -
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Enabled the federal government to prevent rancid discrimination and segregated on race,color,religion or national orgin in private businesses or public facilities -
Malcom X
Civil Rights leader who was part of the Nation of Islam. He wanted black people to believe in themselves and start heir own business.He was shot 21 times. Thomas Hagan convicted of killing -
Selma to Montgomery Marches (Bloody Sunday)
Black marches wanted to walk 54 miles to montgomery to register to vote. At the Edmond bridge troopers brutally beat them. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Ending the right to vote of African Americans any discriminatory in voting. Now a federal matter not state. -
Martin Luther King
Striking sanitation workers protest in Memphis Tennessee. Went back to the Lorraine Motel. Shot lower right side of his face, with Remington rifle. James earl ray sentenced to 99 years. His death marks the end of the civil rights movement