Cesar Chavez
Mexican-American Cesar Chavez was an outstanding union leader and labor organizer. Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association in 1962. His union joined with the Agricultural Workers Organization Committee in it's first strike against grape growers in California. The two organizations later merged to become the United Farm Workers. -
Latino Movement
The 1960's was a bitter decade in American history. Filled with conflicts over issues from Civil Rights to the war in Vietnam. The Mexican American Civil Rights movement was one of the least studied social movements of the 1960's, beset a broad cross section of issues from renewal of land grants to farm workers rights -
Brown vs. Board of Education
During December of 1952, the United States Supreme Court had pending cases from Kansas, Delaware, the District of Columbia, South Carolina, and Virginia. These states challenged the racial segregation inside public schools. This case had started in 1952 but came to a decision two years later on May 17, 1954. The unanimous ruling was given by Earl Warren stating that State-sanctioned segregation inside public schools was an offence against the 14th amendment which is considered unconstitutional. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Montgomery Bus Boycott, was when African Americans forsaken riding city buses in Montgomery, Alabama. Protesting segregated seating took place from December 5, 1955, to December 20, 1956. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was returning home from work at the local department store riding the Cleveland Avenue Bus. She was in the front row of the colored section and refused to give up her seat to a white man when all the seats in the white section were filled. She was then arrested. -
Little Rock Crisis
On September 3, 1957 nine black high school students started to attend Central High School. As they were hoping for a great school year they were welcomed by angry mobs of white families and students that were focused on stopping integration. Along with confronting physical threats, and racial slurs, the "Little Rock Nine" were not allowed to enter the school and decided to give up on attending Central High School. -
The 1960's was a time of accelerated social change and immergence in the United States. An anarchist and liberal philosophy in the society. Coupled with a strong anti-Vietnam War movement that was created in the 1960's which was a very memorable era. "If it feels good, do it," sums up the whole belief of the hippie generation. Each lived an easy-going life in which they could express themselves to the fullest. -
Sit-in Movement
On February 1, 1960, a new plan was added to the peaceful activists' strategy. One day four African American college students walked up to a lunch counter for whites only.The students sat patiently and receiving threats and intimidation while the workers refused to serve them. Thus causing the civil right sit-in movement to be born. Nobody had participated in a sit-in like this without being 100% serious to it's purpose. -
The Feminist Movement
In the early 1960's, the world of American woman was limited in almost every consideration, from family matters to the workplace. A woman was expected to follow the path of being married in her early twenties, start a family fast, and devote her life to housekeeping. Back then a woman once said " The female does not really expect a lot from life. She is here as someone's keeper- her husband's or her children's. -
March on Washington
On August 28, 1963, more than 200,000 Americans came to Washington D.C., for a political rally for jobs and freedom called the March on Washington. This was put together by a few civil rights and religious groups, the event was created to shine light on the social and political challenges that African Americans had continued to face everyday across the country. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
In 1964 Congress had passed Public Law 88-352. The supply for this civil rights act banned discrimination on the basis of sex along with race in hiring, promoting, and firing. Today, the United States Government manual of 1988-1999 the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission strengthens the laws that banned discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age in hiring, promoting, firing, setting wages, testing, training, apprenticeship, etc. -
For years, people of the United States have fought over what truly caused the Vietnam War. The truth is that there are numerous amounts of reasons why for the start of the war. Although it can be decided that America's purpose was to fight the spread of communism and talitarian rule as well as the spread of democracy. As America continued to the uphill battle of fighting with no support at home, the anti-war feelings continued to rage throughout the country. This movement focused on politics,etc -
Watts Riot
The Watts Riot lasted for six days and resulted in over forty million dollars worth of property damage. It was considered the largest and most expensive urban rebellion of the Civil Rights era. The riot began from an incident that occurred on August 11, 1965, when ans African American motorist, was pulled over and arrested by a white California Highway Patrolman for suspicion of drunk driving. At the scene of the girls arrest other blacks and police officers burs-ted into violence. -
Black Power
On June 5, 1966, James Meredith was shot in an ambush as he was attempting to complete a peaceful march from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson Mississippi. Meredith was already well known because in 1962 he made the national headlines for becoming the first African American to attend the University of Mississippi. Civil Rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr., Floyd McKissick of CORE and Stokely Charmichael of SNCC rushed to Meredith's hospital bed. Later on James recovered and finished the march. -
Through the decades of the 20th century, each decade has had their own musical revolution. Swing was popular in the 1920's, jazz and blues were popular for the next two and a half decades, and rock and roll for the 1950's. The 1960's era was the beginning of psychedelic rock, a genre which hippies would listen to while high on drugs. The "British Invasion" was bands from England that contributed to the explosion of this new genre. -
Martin Luther King's assassination
In early April 1968, the world was shocked with the news that United States civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr, has been assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Martin Luther King led the civil rights movements since the middle of the 1950's. Such as sit-ins, boycotts, and protest marches including the massive March on Washington in 1963.During the last few years of King's life, he faced tons of judgments from young African American activists who were looking for more of an antagonistic way.