The NAACP was founded in 1909 on February 12th their method was to use lawyers and courts to argue the education received by African-American students was inherently inferior since it sent the message that African-American children weren't good enough. -
-Largest and Oldest Hispanic organization in the U.S.
-Goal was to advance economic condition, education opportunities for Hispanics. -
Mendez V. Westminister
-Gonzalo Mendez filed a class action lawsuit against several school districts on behalf of 5,000 other families for school segregating Hispanic children.
-Court voted in favor of Mendez. -
22nd Amendment
22nd Amendment limits the president to only 2, 4 year terms in office after FDR died in 1945, many Americans began to recognize that having a president serve more than 8 years in office was bad for the country. President before FDR always ran for 2 terms only due to a tradition set by George Washington. -
Desegregation of the U.S Military
In February 1948 President Truman created an important benchmark in the quest for equality and civil rights for African-American to fight along white troops. Which created a fair employment board to eliminate racial discrimination in federal employment this was one of the 1st times the U.S. government desegregated a government job. -
Delgado V. Bastrop ISD
Based on the Mendez V. west minister school district. the Texas attorney general decided that the segregation of Mexican-American children was illegal. Delgado sued Bastrop IDS claiming segregation was a violation. The U.S. District court agreed and ordered to stop the segregation of Mexican-Americans. -
The Southern Christian Leadership Confrerence
The SCIC is an African-American civil organization. The main goal was to advance the cause or civil rights in America but in a non-violent manner. They directed an action campaign in Georgia with a series of marches and protest. Also meetings speakings upon segregation. Significant individuals led them, like Martin Luther King, Ralph Abernathy, Joseph Lowery, and Fred Shuttles Worth. -
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act to increase African-American voting in the south. The act created the civil rights commission and established a civil rights division in the U.S. Justice department. The law Gave Federal courts the power to register African-American voters. -
23rd Amendment
He gave residents of the Washington C.C. the right to vote for representatives in the electoral college. Washington D.C., isn't considered a state so they weren't granted representatives until 1961. -
Malcolm X
-He founded the organization of Afro american-unity in 1964 to unify blacks.
-The OAAU was designed to encompass all people of African origin in the west hemisphere as well as those in the African continent.
-This program called for reconstruction, reorientation, education, economic security, and self defense for the black community repairing the damage of slavery and having more rights for African-Americans. -
National Organization for Women-Betty Friedman
-The National Organization for Women (NOW) is an American feminist organization funded in 1966. The organization consists of 550 chapters in 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.
-(NOW) is to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of american society now, exercising all privileges and responsibilities there of in truly equal partnership with men. -
Black Panther TTP (Ten Point Program)
1.Freed we want the power to determine the destiny of our black community
2.Full employment for our black ppl
3.An end to robbery by the white man in our black community
4.Decent housing,fit for shelter of human beings
5.Education for our ppl that exposes the true nature of American society
6.Freedom for all black men to be exempt from military service
7.Freedom for all black ppl held in prisons
8.End to police brutally & murder of black ppl
10.Land,Bread,Housing,Education,Clothing,Justice, -
La Raza Unida
Raza unicla party was established on January 17,1970 at a meeting of 300 Mexican-Americans in Crystal City, TX by Jose Angel the goal was to bring better greater economic, social & political determination to Mexican-Americans in Texas.