civil rights


    The NAACP was founded in 1909 on February 12th their method was to use lawyers and courts to argue the education received by African American students was inherently inferior since it sent the message African american students weren't good enough.

    -largest and oldest Hispanic organization in the us
    - Goal was to advance economic condition, education opportunities for Hispanics.
  • Mendez v. Westminister

    Mendez v. Westminister
    • Gonzalo Mendez filed a class action lawsuit against several school districts on behalf of 5000 other families for schools segregating Hispanic children.
    • Court voted in favor of Mendez
  • Desegregation of the military

    Desegregation of the military
    President Harry s Truman signed this executive order establishing the presidents committee on equality of treatment and opportunity in the armed forces , committing the government to integrating the segregated military
  • Desegregation of the U.S. military

    Desegregation of the U.S. military
    During World War II, the Army had become the nation's largest minority employer. Executive Order 9981 stated that "there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed forces without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin." The United states military was one of the first things that the government desegregated.
  • The Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    The sclc is an African american civil organization. the main goal was to advance the cause of civil rights in america but in a non-violent manner. they directed an action campaign in Georgia with a series of marches and protests. also meetings speaking upon segregation. significant individuals led them, like Martin Luther King, Ralph Abernathy, Joseph Lowery and Fred Shuttlesworth.
  • Civil rights act of 1957

    Civil rights act of 1957
    The civil rights act to increase African american voting in the south. he act created the civil rights commission and established a civil rights division in the u.s. justice department. he law gave federal courts the power to African American voters.
  • 23rd Amendment

    23rd Amendment
    It ave residents of the Washington DC the right to vote for representatives in the electoral college. Washington DC isn't considered a state so they weren't granted representatives until 1961
  • Edge wood v. Kirby

    Edge wood v. Kirby
    in edge wood independent school district vs. Kirby a landmark case concerning public school finance. the Mexican american legal defense and educational fund filed suit against commissioner of education William Kirby on may 23 1964 in Travis county on behalf of the edge wood independent school district
  • Malcolm x

    Malcolm x
    • he founded the organization of Afro american-unity in 1964 to unify blacks.
    • the oaau was designed to encompass all peoples of African origin in the west hemisphere as well as these in the African continent
    • this program was called for reconstruction reorientation, education economic security and self defense of the black community repairing the damage
  • National Organization for Women- Betty Friedman

    National Organization for Women- Betty Friedman
    -The national organization for women (NOW) is an american feminist organization founded in 1966. The organization consists pf 550 Chapters in all 50 u.s. states and the District of Columbia
    - NOW is to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of american society now, exercising all privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal [partnership with men.
  • La Raza Unida

    La Raza Unida
    Raza unida party was established on January 17, 1970 at a meeting of 300 Mexican Americans in crystal city, TX by Jose angel. The goal was to bring better greater economic, social and economic determination to Mexican Americans in Texas.
  • Black Panther

    Black Panther
    • we want freedom. we want power to determine the destiny of our black community
    • we want an end to robbery by the white men in our black community
    • we want full employment for our black people