1963 march on washington

Civil Rights

By bellkc
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The court case that allowed separate but equal facicilities was named Plessy v. Ferguson. This was a case in which the court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. In Topeka, Kansas, a mans daughter was denied admission to an all -white neighborhood school. The case involved 5 different states abd reached Supreme Court. The decision was made that racial segregation in schools was illegal in all states.
  • George Lee

  • Lamar Smith

  • Emmett Louis Till

  • John Earl Reese

  • Rosa Parks refusing to give up her bus seat

    Rosa Parks refusing to give up her bus seat
    On Decemeber 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to obey a white man as she was ordered to get out of her seat. She had been in the colored section of the bus. After arguing with the bus driver that the seat was not onlt reserved for whites, she had been arrested for violating a city law.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • Suprmeme court bans segregated bus seating

  • Willie Edwards Jr.

  • Congress passes first civil rights act since reconstruction

  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    President Eisnhower signed into law the Civil Rights act in 1957. The law created a greater federal role by protecting the rights of African Americans and other ethnic groups.
  • Little Rock, Arkansas

    Little Rock, Arkansas
    Black children tried to enroll in an all-white school. To protect the African American children, President Eisenhower sent troops into Little Rock.
  • President E orders troops to enforce school desegregation

  • Mack Charles Parker

  • Black students stage sit-in

  • Supreme Court outlaws segretgation in bus terminals

  • Attack of the Freedom Riders

    Attack of the Freedom Riders
    A group of 13 white and African American civil rights activists who ride buses through the south to protest segregation
  • Freedom riders attacked in Alabama

  • Herbert Lee

  • Civil rights groups join forces to launch voter registration drive

  • CPL. Roma, Ducksworth Jr.

  • James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss

    James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
    After James Meredith applied to Ole Miss multiple times, he filed a lawsuit against the university for racial discrimination. On the Ole Miss campus chaos broke out, two people were killed, hundreds injured, and many others were arrested that day. The government called out some 31,000 federal forces to enforce order.
  • Paul Guihard

  • Riots erupt when James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss

  • William Lewis Moore

  • Birmingham police attack marching children

  • George Wallace stands in schoolhouse door to stop university integration

  • Medgar Evers Assassinated

    Medgar Evers Assassinated
    Medgar Evers, an African American civil rights activist from Mississippi, was shot and killed by Byron Beckwith, who was a member of White Citizens Council.
  • Medgar Evers

  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    The March on Washington put a spotlight on the political and social challenges that African Americans conitinued to face across the country. This is where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous speech, "I Have A Dream".
  • 250,000 americans march on Washington for civil rights

  • Schoolgirls killed in bombing

  • Virgil Lamar Ware

  • Poll tax outlawed in federal elections

  • Louis Allen

  • The rev. Bruce Klunder

    killed protesting construction of segregated school
  • Henry Hezekiah Dee & Charles Eddie Moore

    killed by Klansmen
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer bring 1,000 young civil rights volunteers to Mississippi
  • James C, Andrew G, Michael S

    civil rights workers abducted and slain by Klansmen
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The Civil Rights act, which was passed by President Johnson, outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • President Johnson

    president Johnson signs Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn

    killed by Klansmen while driving north
  • Jimmie Lee Jackson

    Civil rights marcher killed by state trooper
  • Edmund Pettus Bridge

  • The Rev. James Reeb

    march volunteer beaten to death
  • March to Selma

    March to Selma
    The march to Selma showed the defiance of segregational suppression and the desire of African Americans to excercise their right to vote. They were met with violent resistance by state and local authorities. The protestors met their goal and later that year the Voting Rights Act was passed.
  • Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March

  • Viola Gregg Liuzzo

  • Oneal Moore

  • Congress Passes Voting Rights Act of 1965

  • Willie Brewster

  • Jonathan Daniels

  • Samuel Younge Jr.

    Student civil rights activist killed in dispute
  • Vernon Dahmer

  • Ben Chester White

  • Clarence Triggs

  • Wharlest Jackson

    Civil rights leader killed after promotion to 'white' job
  • Benjamin Brown

  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    Thurgood Marshall was a lawyer that helped win the Brown v. Board of Education court decision. This court made school segregation unconstitutional. Becoming the first black Supreme Court Justice sparked new hope in African Americans.
  • Thurgood Marshall

  • Samuel H. Jr, Delano Middleton, Henry Smith

    Students killed when highway patrolmen fire on protesters
  • Samuel H. Jr, Delano Middleton, Henry Smith

    Students killed when highway patrolmen fire on protesters
  • The Assassination of MLK

    The Assassination of MLK
    Martin Luther King Jr. was shot while standing on the balcony outside his second-story room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was shot and killed by James Earl Ray. Both whites and blacks mourned over KIng's death but it somehow seperated the two races even more. African Americans saw Martin Luther King as their only hope.
  • The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.