Brown v. Board of education
Oliver brown and his daughter were having trouble going to school because of segregation in that time.They weren’t the only ones getting affected because it was also happening in KS,SC,VA,DE, and D.C.NAACP took the 5 cases to Supreme Court which lead to overturn the doctrine of separate but equal.This lead to another 10 years of black students not attending school.This was just the beginning of the worst things to come. -
Murder of Emmett Till
Emmet till was a kid in Mississippi who whistled at a white women which lead him being kidnapped 3 days later.His body was found in water with body parts being detached.His mother let his casket be open for world to see what happened.Roy & Carolyn Bryant were taken to court with a white jury who declared them not guilty after 1 hour and 7 minutes ,even though they had evidence that they indeed committed the murder.Later on they admitted to murdering Emmett and nothing was done to them. -
Rosa Parks & the Bus Boycott
Rosa Park was a black women in Montgomery who did not give up her set up to a white person.Many don’t know her reason for this action but some think it’s because of what she heard about Emmett and just had enough.She got arrested and fine $10.Martin Luther King Jr. & a church sent flyers out stating that on December 5 no black person should ride the bus.This lead for the bus to run empty for 381 days.Finally Supreme Court ruled bus to let black ride which was a huge move for the black community. -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
After the boycott of the bus was successful, Martin Luther King Jr, and 60 black church pastors got together to coordinate events for black people.For example this group helped blacks vote opposed Vietnam war and for blacks to get better jobs. The president for this new group would be Martin.This group would protest in nonviolent ways and would also include people form any race or religion.All of this took place in Atlanta Georgia. -
Little Rock 9
Nine students in Arkansas wanted to go to an white school.They were trained before going because they knew they would be treated bad.When they got to school they were treated horrible both physically & mentally.It was so bad that the president called in 1,200 military men to escort them to school.Later on because of how bad the treatment was the all Arkansas schools were closed.In 1959 all schools were fully interrogated. -
Greensboro Sit ins
In Greensboro, North Carolina 4 college students went to this one store to go buy items but then wanted to go sit at the lunch counter.In that time blacks could not sit but be served only.They we’re told to leave but they refused and sat there.This later on became big as a movement of people, some white people also joined the black for this protest.They would sit in the lunch count even though some white people would miss treat them physically and mentally.This ended segregation in lunch counter -
Freedom Riders
A group of 436 people would go on buses to challenge the law and segregation in seating.This event took place in Washington D.C but lead to south.Since it was a lot of people they took 60 separate freedombus! Although this came with a lot of challenges like the group of KKK or even the police.The group would get beaten up horribly and have sever injuries.It got so bad to the point where their bus was set on fire.This event was also happening in hotels & dinners. -
March on Washington
This was a peaceful & respectful march that was taken place in Washington D.C.This was one of the biggest and most successful gathering in U.S history with a number of 250,000.Not just that but this is where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his most famous speech “I have a dream”.Out of all the speakers in that day he was the best one.Till this day schools talk about it an even made a whole day about Martin Luther King Jr. -
Civil Rights Act
On July 2,1964 in Washington D.C Lyndon B. Johnson signed a bill, Martin Luther King was there as well to watch.This bill was one of the most important things signed in history, the reason is because this bill prevented discrimination & segregation of race,color, religion ,national origin private business , and public facilities.It gave everyone the same treatment as for women.The payment for the people were also the same.That is why this was an historical event. -
Assassination of Malcom X
Malcom X was a civil rights leader who had his faith in the Nation of Islam.Later on in life he left the Nation of Islam because of the horrible things he discovered.He hated the way Martin Luther King Jr. would let himself be treated by whites.Malcom would speak about how the blacks should defend themselves if they had to.Towards the end of his life he changed his prospect to more like Martin Luther King.He got shot 21 times by Thomas Hagon at the age of 39 in the Audubon Ballroom New York. -
Selma To Montgomery Marches (Bloody Sunday)
On March 7,1965 in Selma Alabama John Lewis and 600 marchers were heading to Montgomery to vote.They walked 54 miles but were stopped to be beaten brutally and sent back.They we’re left with bruises and lot of open wounds.The second time Martin Luther king took it to court so they could give them the right to March.They we’re allowed to march so they did and completed the full march with 1,000 more people. -
Voting Rights Act (1965)
On August 6, 1965 the president Lyndon B Johnson signed the law of voting rights in Washington D.C.This law was so important in history because it would help the people of color to vote without being discriminated.This was a federal matter not just a state one.The law would also make it punishable if any form of discrimination was to happen while voting.This was a big win for the black people but not just to them but to all people of color. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King
On April 4,1968 Martin Luther king jr. was striking sanitation workers protest at Memphis Tennessee.While he was here he told the people he might not be able to see the promise land but they will.People say he sense his death was coming.One day while staying on the Lorraine motel, he was on his room balcony and shot on the lower right side of his face with a Remington rifle, he died at 39.James earl ray was the criminal who did this.Although many think it could’ve been the FBI or the police.