Brown vs. Board of Education
Court cases taken to the Supreme court about schools in South not being equal. Kids weren’t learning the same or being taught the same. This helped launch the Civil Rights movement. -
Emmett Till
He was a young African American who was lynched and beaten up by white guys. He whistled at a white cashier lady which led to him being beaten up. The men who killed Emmett did not face any charges and were found not guilty. -
Montgomery Bus
This was where African Americans fought for their right to sit anywhere on the bus or just sit in general on the bus and not get kicked off when white people come onto the bus and then they have to give up their seat and sometimes have to get off the bus. (racial segregated seating) -
Little Rock 9
9 students were allowed to attend an all white school. This would become one of the first schools to integrate. The day the 9 African Americans were going to attend the school, they were faced with violence -
Greensboro Sit-Ins
This was a Civil Rights protest where African Americans students decided they were all going to sit at a segregated counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. They refused to leave after being denied service at the restaurant. This sit in led to other college sit ins in the South at segregated lunch counters. -
These played a role in the Civil Rights movement. This was where African Americans would protest and sit at lunch counters in segregated areas or restaurants. They would sit here and they wished to be fed. They wanted segregation as to where they could eat to be ended. They all got arrested and thrown in jail, which drew this into media and drew a lot of attention and played a role in how our country was seen. -
Freedom Riders
A group of African Americans travelling on buses throughout the country to end segregation on public facilities and public transportation. They went into white restrooms and sit at whites only counters -
Birmingham Protests
Adults protested by sitting at lunch counters, (sit-ins) and marching, in which they all got arrested and thrown in jail. Birmingham, Alabama was the most segregated city in the country which is why SCLC leaders decided to start there. -
March on Washington
This was the largest public rally and where Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream speech". -
Freedom Summer
Voter registration designed to get black votes in Mississippi. There was a very low level of African American voters. Northern white students banded together with black southern students to fight for black voting rights. 3 students were murdered and later a law was passed that banned racial segregation in voting. -
Civil Rights Act
This is a law formed to end segregation and discrimination based upon sex, gender, religion, color, or national origin. -
African Americans wanted to vote. African Americans would march to Montgomery, Alabama from Selma. They stopped in Edmund Pettus Bridge where they got attacked by local me. They got stopped at Edmund Pettus Bridge where they got stopped by local men who beat them up. Martin Luther King led the marches. -
Voting Rights Act
Ended discrimination against black people from voting. It ended literacy tests as a prerequisite to African Americans voting. -
MLK Assassination
This was the assassination of Martin Luther King