Brown Vs. Board of Education
- The Court's ruling was unanimous, they revoked the notion of "seperate but equal" and concluded that segregated facilities deprived African Americans of a fair educational experience
Brown vs. Board of Education
-The Sepreme Court outlaws school segregation in Brown vs. Board of Education
- Previous to this, court case Plessy vs. Ferguson required racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "seperate but equal"
- The name of the case derived from the Brown family. Linda brown was forced to walk a long distance to school due to racial segregation. Her father Oliver attempted to enroll Linda in an all whites school near their home. He took his case to the supreme court. -
Death of George Lee
-George Lee was killed for leading voter-registration drive in Belzoni, Mississippi -
The Murder of Lamar Smith
- Lamar Smith was murdered for organizing black voters in Brookhaven, Mississippi
The Muderer of Emmett Till
- Emmett Louis Till was murdered for speaking to a white woman in Money, Mississippi
John Earl Reese
- John Earl Reese was slain by nightriders opposed to school improvements in Mayflower, Texas
Rosa Parks Arrest
- Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man -After work, Rosa boarded the bus, sitting in the rows designated for colored passengers. When the bus got full, Rosa and others were asked to give their seats to white passengers. She refused to do so because she was tired of giving in. The driver called the police and has Rosa arrested.
- On trial, Rosa Parks was found guilty of violating a local ordinance and she was charged $10
Rosa Parks Arrest
- This led to the Montgomery Bus boycott, African Americans in Alabama refused to ride the bus in an effort to end segregation, the boycott was sucessful, buses were empty and the fianances of the transit company were extremely poor
Montgomery Bus Boycott
- The Montgomery bus boycott begins
Bus Segregation in Montgomery
- The Supreme court bans segregation seating on Montgomery buses
Death of Willie Edwards Jr.
- Willie Edwards Jr. was killed by Klansman in Montgomery, Alabama
Civil Rights Acts of 1957
- Congress passed the first civil rights act since reconstruction
- This act created a greater federal role in protecting the rights of African Americans and other minorites. It increased the protection of voting rights
Little Rock, Arkansas
- President Eisenhower orders federal troops to enforce school desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas
- Governor Orval Faubus ordered the national guard of Arkansas to block/prevent African American students from attending an all white high school
- Segregation in public schools was made illegal in 1954, Faubus resfused to obey this ruling -Eisenhower met with Faubus, thinking an agreement was made, blacks enrolled in the all white school, leading to full- scale riots
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Eisenhower sent in U.S federal troops to restore order in Little Rock, he ordered them to protect the African Americans students so that they were able to attend school peacefully
Death of Mack Charles Parker
- Mack Charles Parker was taken from jail and lynched in Poplarville, Mississippi
Black Sit-ins
-Blacks stage sit-ins at a "white only" lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina -
Bus Segregation Outlawed
- The Supreme Court outlaws segregation in bus terminals
Attack of the Freedom Riders
-Freedom Riders Attacked in Alabama while testing compliance with bus segregation laws
- The Freedom Riders challenged the supreme courts ruling that segregation of blacks and whites on interstate buses was unconstitutional (because many bus systems were not following this rule)
- On May 14th a freedom ride was greeted by a mob, many freedom riders and their buses were attacked
- Freedom rides consisted of both whites and blacks
- organized by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) -
Death of Herbert Lee
- Herbert Lee, voter registration worker was killed by a white legislator in Liberty, Mississippi
Voter Registration Drive
- Civil rights groups join forces to launch a voter registration drive
Death of Corporal Roman Ducksworth Jr
- Corporal Roman Ducksworth Jr was taken from a bus and killed by the police in Taylorsville, Mississippi
James Meredith Enrolls at Ole Miss
- Riots erupt when James Meredith, a black student, enrolls at Ole miss
- James applied to an all-white college, his admission was withdrawn because of his race
- He believed this was discrimination, the district court ruled against him, his case was then taken to the supreme court who ruled in his favor
- Riots erupted when James arried to register at Ole Miss, JFK sent military police and officials from the U.S border controll
- James became the first black student to enroll at Ole Miss
Death of Paul Guihard
- Paul Guihard, French journalist was killed during an Ole Miss riot in Oxford, Mississippi
William Lewis Moore
- William Lewis Moore was slain during a one-man march against segregaion in Antalla, Alabama
Attack of Birmingham Police
- Birmingham police attack a group of marching children with dogs and fire hoses
George Wallace
- The governor of Alabama, George Wallace stands in a schoolhouse door to stop university integration
Medgar Evers Assassinated
-Civil rights leader, Medgar Evers was assaassinated in Jackson, Mississippi
- Evers fought in the U.S army during WWII, and later became the first state field secretary for the NAACP in Mississippi, fighting against the discrimination of blacks
- He recieved many threats and enduring many violent actions because of his active position
- On June 12, 1963 Evers was shot in the back in the driveway of his home and died soon after at a hospital -
The March on Washington
- 250,000 Americans march of Washington for civil rights
- The purpose of the march was to advocate the passage of the Civil Rights Act by congress, it was a march for jobs, freedom, and racial equality
- Martin Luther King jr. delievered his famous "I have a Dream" speech when everyone met in Washington. This speech discussed a "better" American where people were not judged based on the color of their skin
Death of Virgil Lamar Ware
- Young Virgil Lamar Ware was killed diring a wave of racist violence in Birmingham, Alabama
The Bombing of 16th Street
- Schoolgirls Addie Mae Collins, Denise Mcnair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley were killed in the bombing of 16th street Baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama
Poll Tax
- The polltax was outlawed in federal elections
Assassination of Louis Allen
- Louis Allen, who witnessed the murder of a civil rights worker was assassinated
Death of Bruce Klunder
-The Rev. Bruce Klunder was killed protesting of segregated schools in Cleveland, Ohio -
Death of Henry Hezekaih Dee and Charles Eddie Moore
- Henry Hezekaih Dee and Charles Eddie Moore were killed by klansmen in Meadville, Mississippi
Freedom Summer
- Freedom Summer brings 1,000 young civil rights volunteers to Mississi[[i
Civil Rights Workers Abducted
- James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Micheal Schwerner, civil rights workers, were abducted and slain by klansmen in Philadelphia, Mississippi
Civil Rights Act of 1964
- President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- This act prohibitd discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities, and made employment discrimination illegal
- Discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin was outlawed
Death of U.S Colonel
- Lieutenant Colonel Lemuel Penn was killed by Klansmen while driving north in Colbert, Georgia
Death of Civil Rights Marcher
- Jimmie Lee Jackson, civil rights marcher was killed by state trooper in Marion, Alabama
State Troopers Attack Marchers
- State troopers beat back marchers at Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama
The Death of James Reeb
- The Rev. James Reeb,march volunteer was beaten to death in Selma, Alabama
Death of Viola Greggliuzzo
- Viola Greggliuzzo was killed by Klansmen while transporting marchers in Selma Highway, Alabama
March to Selma
-Thousands complete the Selma to Montgomery voting rights march
-Martin Luther King led thousands on this march to campaign for voting rights
- Marchers were violently attacked with tear gas and nightsticks
- The march resulted in president Johnson pushing through and signing the 1965 Voting Rights Act, lifting voting restrictions, many blacks registered to vote soon after -
Death of Oneal Moore
- Black deputy Oneal Moore was killed by nightriders in VArnado, Louisianna
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
- Congress passes the Voting Rights act of 1965
Death of Willie Brewster
- Willie Brewster was killed by nightriders in Anniston, Alabama
Death of Jonathan Daniels
- Seminary student Jonathan Daniels was killed by a deputy in Hayneville, Alabama
Death of Samuel Younge Jr.
- Student civil rights activist Samuel Younge Jr. was killed in dispute in Tuskegee, Alabama
Death of Vernon Dahmer
-Black community leader Vernon Dahmer was killed in a Klan bombing in Hattiesburg, Mississippi -
Clarence Triggs
- Clarence Triggs was slain by nightriders in Bogalusa, Louisianna
Death of Wharlest Jackson
- Civil rights leader Wharlest Jackson was killed after recieving a promotion to a "white" job in Natchez, Mississippi
Death of Benjamin Brown
-Civil rights worker Benjamin Brown was killed when police fired on protestors in Jackson, Mississippi -
Thurgood Marshall
-Thurgoof Marshall was sworn in as the first black Supreme Court Justice
- Before becoming a Justice Marshall was appointed by JFK to the U.S court of appeals in 1961, and to solicitor general in 1965 by president Johnson
- This was a monumental event because he achieved multiple "firsts" in black history, he worked to ensure fair treatment of all individuals (minorites) and went in favor of abortion rights and against the death penalty -
Students Killed by Highway Patrolmen
- Students Samuel Hammond Jr, Delano Middleton, and Henry Smith were killed when highway partolmen fire on protestors in Orangeburg, South Carolina
The Assasination of Dr. Martin Luther King
-Dr. Matin Luther King Jr. was assassinated April 4th in Memphus, Tennessee
- In Tennessee, King was preparing for yet another march. To discuss the upcoming event he stepped out onto his balcony to speak to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference colleagues in the parking lot below, an assassin caused severe damage to the right side of King's face with a single shot, he was rushed to the hospital where he later died
-King's death greatly impacted Americans -
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King
-King's death greatly impacted both white and African Americans, many were outraged and began rioting across the country
- So many supported King and the Civil Rights movement, they thought of him as the most active and dominent force of the movement, loosing him was a very tragic event, people couldn't quite understand why such an influential, great man would be assassinated -
Death of Ben Chester
- White man Ben Chester was killed by Klansmen in Natchez, Mississippi