Civil Rights

By jquach
  • Period: to

    Plessy v. Ferguson

    <a href='' ></a>
    Plessy (african male) decided to sit in white only section of a Louisiana train.He refused to move and of course got arrested
  • Congress of Racial Equality

    Congress of Racial Equality
    C.O.R.E was one of the leading activist organizations in the early years during the american civil rights.
    This group introduced a group of civil right activist to nonviolence protesting meaning if wanted change they would'nt have been allowed to cause violionce no matter what.
  • Jackie Robison

    Jackie Robison
    Jackie Robison was one of the first African American in the MLB breaking the color barrier the team he played Brooklyn Dodgers.
  • Period: to

    Sweatt v. Painter

    <a href='' ></a>
    Sweatt a black male applied to Universty of Texas (Law School) but the school only allowed whites basically and declined Sweatt's admission. Sweatt asked the state courts to order his admission the university tried provided separate but equal facilities for black law students.
  • Brown v. Education of Topeka

    Brown v. Education of Topeka
    <a href='' ></a>
    This case all started because of four cases that were arising in different states which related to segregation in public base of there skin colors. In each four of these cases African Americans were denied to attented certain public schools.
    The case was reargued in Dec 7-9 of 1953 and was decided on May 17 of 1954
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    <a href='' ></a>Medgar tried to segregate the University of Mississipi law school in 1954 then he became the NAACP field secretary in Mississipi. He was threatend and shot in june 1963
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott
    <a href='' ></a>
    basically after rosa parks arrest a group of african americans refused to ride the city buses in montgomery alabama the reason was to protest segregated seating.
  • Southern Manifesto

    Southern Manifesto
    <a href='' ></a>
    members of the House of Representatives signed the southern manifesto basically a resolution condemning the 1954 Suoreme Court decision in the Brown v. Board of Education case.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    <a href='' ></a>
    Established by 60 black ministers an civil right leaders who met in Atlanta Georgia hoping to replicate the strategy of the recent bus boycott held in montgomery. Martin Luther King Jr. was choosen to be the first president of this group.
  • Little Rock Central High

    Little Rock Central High
    <a href='' ></a>
    Known as a key part of the civil rights movement, nine black students decided to enroll at a all white school that was in September 1957 on the fourth of that which was the first day of school the governor oral faubus of arkansas called in the national guard to bar the black students entry to the school.
  • SNCC

    <a href='' ></a>
    this group was formed to give younger african american's more of voice in there own civil rights movement which moved out into branches
  • Greensboro sit in

    Greensboro sit in
    <a href='' ></a>
    A group of students decided to do a non violent protest by sitting at the woolworths lunch counter which was of course segregated at the times but soon this spreaded around to other colleges and causing other groups of african americans to do sit downs many were arrested for different types of crimes.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    <a href='' ></a>
    This was probably atleast one of the most violent protest a group of 13 african american and white civil right activist rode series of bus trips through the south to protest segregation in interstate bus terminals throughtout theses trips they were beat and attacked
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    <a href='' ></a>James Meredith attempted to enroll at the University of Mississipi. This led to riots across Ole Miss campuses and having two and hundreds wounded.
  • Letter From a Birmingham Jail

    Letter From a Birmingham Jail
    <a href='' ></a>
    Basically a letter Martin Luther King Jr. wrote while in jail
  • march on washington

    march on washington
    <a href='' ></a>
    on this day over 200,000 americans gathered in washington for a pilitical rally reasons due to these actions were for jobs and freedom this was organized by a civil right and religious groups.
  • bombing of Birmingham

    bombing of Birmingham
    <a href='' ></a>
    Violence continued after Martin King Jr.'s speech which led to a bombing at a church in birmingham four young girls were and many other were injured
  • civil rights act passed

    civil rights act passed
    <a href='' ></a>