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Civil Rights

  • 13th Amendment Adopted

  • 14th Amendment Adopted

  • Period: to

    Jim Crow Laws

  • Plessy v. Ferguson Argued

    Argued April 13, 1896
    Decided May 18, 1896
  • Formation of the NAACP

  • Brown v. Board of Education Argued

    Argued December 9, 1952
    Reargued December 8, 1953
    Decided May 17, 1954
  • Emmett Till Murdered

  • Rosa Parks Refused to Move

  • Period: to

    Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

  • Period: to

    Birmingham Campaign

  • March on Washington

  • 24th Amendment Ratified

  • Freedom Summer

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 Enacted

  • Malcolm X Assassinated

  • Bloody Sunday

  • Voting Rights Act Effective

  • Period: to

    Watts Riots

  • Kerner Commission Appointed

  • Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.