Plessy v. Ferguson
A man named Plessy was white with a history of black. He sat on the white part of the bus and was told to move to the back. Plessy didn't think it was right so he went to court for it. The court said its "Separate but equal." Therefore, nothing changed because they were being equal. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown had a little girl going to a black school far away from home when there was a nice school a block away from her house what was for whites. Brown didn't think it was fair so he went to court. brown won 9-0 because having separate schools is having segregation. From now on schools are diverse. -
Emmett Till
A young man called Emmett Till lived up north of the United States and went south to visit his family. Emmett Till didn't know how serious things were down south with segregation. Therefore, he spoke to a white women and was murdered, Emmett Tills mother had an open casket funeral up north so people on the north can see how serious things are down south. There was a trial for the murder of Emmett Till. However, the jury was white and said that Emmetts murderers were not guilty. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
There was a boycott that had blacks not use buses for transportation. This was because there was a law that said blacks sit in the back of the bus and whites sit in the front. The Boycott made a change on how people were segragated in buses. Meaning the boycott worked on getting more rights. -
Little Rock
Schools down south avoided the law that says that schools are not allowed to be segregated. But in 1957 little rock high school had to follow the law. Therefore, nine african americans had to attend a white school. This made whites angry that their kids had to go to school with blacks. The first day of school the national gaurd had to protect the nine kids from the white riots. Days after only some policemen protected them and things got out of hand. From there the military had to protect them. -
Greensboro sit-ins
Blacks and whites were segregated by not being able to sit where they wanted to in public places. So they then decided to just sit where they couldn’t sit and not move. this would get whites mad but blacks resisted to fight back. Then they got arrested and sent to jail.The jail cells got so full that they stopped sending them to jail. They also stopped sending them to jail because it put places out of business. -
Birmingham march
African american’s homes were bombed in birmingham just because whites disliked them. This lead kids to protest because it wouldn't affect them as much as an adult with a job. many kids were sent to jail. some were attacked by police dogs and hit by a strong pressure of water from the fingering holes. Many kids were hurt but didn’t stop marching for their rights. The march lead people from the north to know what is happening down south. -
March on Washington
Africans americans went to washington DC to go on a march for their rights. There were speeches giving as well. The famous “I Have a Dream” speech was given by MLK junior. Months later the Civil Rights Act was passed. -
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act was passed saying discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin is illegal. This gave everyone, especially African Americans, equal rights. The Jim crow laws and plessy vs. ferguson were upheld. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
MLK was shot when standing in front of his room on his balcony. He was shot on the right cheek going to his neck then to his shoulder. people were angry and had riots around the country, There was one victim of the crime but some of MLK's family members say it couldn't be him.