Civil rights

Civil Rights

  • Afriacn American students gettting rights

    Afriacn American students gettting rights
    The Teaxas Law school had laws that segragated African Americans. The Supreme court wanted a/an African American to go to law school and have the same experience that other students would. This event is a political event.
  • Civil Rights Boycott

    Civil Rights Boycott
    In Baton Rogue a African Amercan boycott had been started because of the civil rights. THis was a major social event.
  • Hernandez VS Texas

    Hernandez VS Texas
    The surpreme court decides to make state laws that discriminate against Mexican Americans. This a huge political event.
  • Jim crow laws

    Jim crow laws
    The supreme court makes laws called the Jim Crow laws unconstitutional. these laws segregate African Americans and whites. This is socal becuse they make African Americans life better.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    People broke the bus rules and the supreme court said that they were violating the 14th amendment. This is an economical event.
  • Greensborow Sit-in

    Greensborow Sit-in
    On this day four freshman African American boys sat down at the Woolworth's Lunch counter until the mangement agrees to desegregation. This is an Huge economic event.
  • Alabama State University

    Alabama State University
    Governor George Wallace tried to stop two African AMerican students from going to Alabama State University by standing in the dooreay. This is a political event because it is not allowing African Americans to enter a school.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    250,00 peope participated for the March on Washington. They met at the lincoln memorial and listen to Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a Dream" speech. This eve is social because everyone came together to stop segregation.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    600 people went to Edmund Pettus Brige to participate in a four day march fro black voting rigths. The Alabama state troopers were sent to stop them and it was one of the most violent things that happened during the civil rigts. this event is political because they were trying to get voting rights.
  • Harper VS bored of education

    Harper VS bored of education
    voters were having to pay taxes, and since most African Americans living in the U.S. were poor, the poll tax did not agree with them. This id economic because it is about taxes and money.
  • King assassinated

    King assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. After he was killed there was a lot of riots and led to the congress passing the civil rights act of 1968. This is political because the civil rights act of 1968.
  • Civil Rights Restoration Act

    Civil Rights Restoration Act
    Congress passed the Civil RIghts Restoration Act or 1987. This act limited the withhold founds based on someomes race or gender. This is economical because it is talking about a law about equality.
  • nomination of Clarence Thomas

    nomination of Clarence Thomas
    Justice Thurgood Marshall retired from the surpreme court. After he retired presidant Bush nominates Clarence Thomas to take his place. This would be scial because someone is getting nominated by a different person.
  • Thurgood marshall's death

    Thurgood marshall's death
    Thurgood marshall died and many of his friends were sad to know that he past away. This is social because people were involved in his memorial.
  • Obama's presidency

    Obama's presidency
    Barak Obama was the first African American in the office in the history of the U.S. This is economic because he was elected in the middle of a problem in the economy.