Wilmington Riots
Many African-Americans populated Wimington in 1898, and many voted. A mob set an African-American named Alex Manly's newspaper on fire, and it caused riots. Many were killed. -
Southern Christian Leadership Confrence (SCLC)
In Montgomery, Alabama, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and 60 other ministries formed a group called the Southern Christian Leadership Confrence, or SCLC. This group showed civil rights workers how to protect themselves from violent attacks and helped them to identify protest targets and get support. All of their methods worked, and they started preparing African-Americans fo the struggle for equal rights. -
Little Rock Nine
In Little Rock, Arkansas, an African-American went to an all-white school. The 9 students sent out a message, but one of them, a girl named Elizabeth Eckford, did not get the message. The 8 others were going to enter a different part of the school, so Elizabeth went by the original plan by herself. Dispite the people yelling at her and following her into the school, she was still brave. The 9 students got into the school and later graduated. -
Greensboro Sit-in
Four college students went into a resturaunt that only whites could eat at. They used civil disobedience to de-segregate the resturaunt. -
Birmingham, Alabama
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Confrence) targeted Birmingham, Alabama for a desegregation protest. Hundreds of demonstrators were arrested, along with Martin. Martin then wrote the "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Next, he got students to protest.