Martin luther king jr 31

Civil Rights

  • The NAACP is formed

  • The congress of Racial equality is formed

  • The Supreme court rules on Brown v. Topeka Board of Education

  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a mongomery city bus

  • The southern Manifesto is issued

  • The southern Chrictian leadership conference is formed

  • Governor Farbus uses the Arkansas National guard to block black students from attending little rock public schools

  • The greensboro Sit-ins begin

  • The freedom rides leave Washington DC

  • James Meredith enrolls at the University of Mississippi

  • The 24th amendment outlaws poll taxes

  • Dr. MLK gives his "i have a dream speech"

  • Dr. MLK writes the letter from birmingham Jail

  • Malcolm X breaks with Elijah Muhammad and the nation of islam

  • Southern Demcrats filibuster the civil rights bill for 3 months

  • 4 members of the SNCC are killed while in mississippi registering voters

  • Malcolm X is assassinated

  • Race Riots break out in Watts

  • Dr. MLK leads the march on selma

  • Elbridge Cleaver and others form the Black Panthers

  • Dr. MLK is assassinated