Plessy v. Ferguson
This was a case where a balck man who was partially white decided to sit in a all white railroad white car so he went to jail and this case went to court. This court wasn't in his favro because of a series of laws that were passed which were the Jim Crow Laws. This was an important case becasue many thought that this violated the 13th adn 14th amendment but the court diagreed and he lost the case. -
Brown v. Board of Education
us courtThis case was about how the segregation in schools violated teh 14th amendment. This eventually overruled the Pleggy v Furgeson case and the court was in favor of brown. This was important because it protected people's civil rights. -
Murder of Emmett Till
Emmet Till had said somethimg to a white female and some guys basically beat him to death becasue of that. Later his body was found, his mother had a funeral for him with an open casket, and many people saw how beat up he was. Later peole protested because it was unfair. This was importatn because it spurred out the civil irights movement. -
Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott December 1, 1955 – December 20, 1956
us history
Rosa Parks got arrested for deciding not to give up her seat on a bus and this started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. A one day bus boycott started at Rosa Parks' bus stop. This was important because it brought attention to the whole segregation situation and Rosa Parks till this day is known as the Mother of the civil rights movement. -
Founding of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) & Martin Luther King
black past
Founding of the southern christian leadership conference in 1957. Martin Luther King was a co-founder and resulted in being the first president which led to the March on Washington 1963. This was important because it led to theeven where MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech which is remarkably famous till this day. -
Little Rock Nine & Central High School
This was a case where nine students took to court the question of why they couldn't go to an all white school that was closer to their house than have to walk miles to go to an all black school. The court was in favor of them and they got to go to the all white school. This was an extremely important case because this started to change segregation in schools everywhere. -
Greensboro Sit-In
sit in movement
The Greenboro sit-in was where 4 college students sat in all white seats at a restaurant and calmly asked to be served. This led to people being furious and treating them bad. This was important because people looked up to them and started to do teh same things they were doing which brought a lot of controversy and attention to segregation. -
Freedom Ride/Freedom Riders
This was when seven blacks and six whites decided to go and chanllenge sgregation laws. These protestors ended up getting beat up by white people. This was important because it inispired people to get involved with civil rights actions. -
March on Washington
our documents
This was a march that startetd at the Washington Monument and ended at the Lincoln Memorial. This march could be a reason for the passing of the civil rights act. This was important because it was when Martin Luther King Jr. said the "I have a dream" speech. -
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) & Freedom Summer
wiscconsin history
This was a campaign that the U.S. had launchedin 1964. The purpose of it was to try to redister as many black voters in mississippi. This was important becuase it helped register as many black voters as they could. -
Assassination of Malcolm X
Malcom X was a leader that a lot of people followed sinice he was against racism and he used violence to show this. He had turned muslim and an islam killed him feb. 21, 1965 on stage. This was important because he tried to end racism and many people followed him. -
Civil Rights Act (1964)
The civil rights acts was one of the biggest civil rights laws. This protected people from discrimination because of race, religion, ethnicity, etc. This was really important because it reassured minorities rights. -
Voting Rights Act (1965)
our documents
This act protected people from mbeing discriminated. It allowedd the government the to enforce all laws governing civil rights. This act was one of the most important acts because it did so much for a lot of people. -
Assassination of MLK
king encyclopedia
James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King Jr. He was killed because of what he believed and Ray was against that.This was really effective because he was one off the most inspiring people and helped make things right.