Martin Luther King Jr.
MLK Jr. is a well known and well respected name as he is on eof the most famous leaders of all time. He is very well known for representing Arican Ameriacan men during the Civil Rights Movement, especially his speech "I Have a Dream" -
Benjamin Mays
Benjamin Mays had a profound impact on the Civil Rights Movement as he mentored many young African American men who went on to become key leaders, like MLK Jr. He was able to inspire so many and teach them nonviolence because he was the president of https://www.morehouse.edu/about/bio-bmays.html' >Morehouse College</a> and then went on to work in other educational programs. -
Three Governor's Controversy
After Eugene Talmadge died while being governor, three men gunned for the position it lead to Herman Talmadge being elected, even though according to the GA State Constitution the lieutenant governor,Melvin Thompson should have been automatically elected. The other person running was Ellis Arnall. -
Herman Talmadge
After his father, Eugene Talmadge, died in office Herman was elected for a short period of time. He won because he took advantage of the county unit systemA during the Three Governor's Contreversy. He then went on to serve a full term from 1948-1955 -
Brown vs. the Board of Education
Earl Warren was the judge who caame to the concusion that seperate but equal was not equal, and his ruling lead to all schools accross America becoming intergrated. -
1956 State Flag
The state flag of Georgia started to cause lots of controversy in 1956 when citizens took action because they were mad about the Confederate Flag emblem was on the flag. Some people thought that the flag supported slavery as the Confederate side did, but others thought it was just a symbol of Southern heritage. -
Sibley Commission
The Sibley Commission was formed by the governor when he had to either shut down schools or integrate them. -
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comittee was a group of mostly African American students. They were responsible for many sit-ins during the 60's . The group was inspired my MLK Jr. -
Albany Movement
The Albany Movement, organized by the SNCC and NAACP was formed with the goal of intergrating the bus and train systems. MLK Jr. considered it a failure because over 1,000 people were arrested . -
March on Washington
The March on Washington was a nonviolent gathering in which over 250,000 people gathered in the National Mall in support of the bill that had just been sent to congress by JFK. -
Lester Maddox
Lester was the governor of Atlanta from 1967-1971. Many thought he was a racist because he shut down his irestaurant instead of intergrating it. -
Maynard Jackson
Maynard Jackson was the firt black mayor of Atlanta and is well known for bringing the 1996 Summer Olympics to Georgia, which helped the economy immensely. He also played a large role in expanding the airport, which is now partly named after him. -
Andrew Young
Andrew Young was a strong leader durng the Civil Rights Movement and the mayor of Atlanta. He was aso the first black person to be elected to the Georgia House of Represenatatives since the Reconstruction period.