
Civil Right Timeline

By mdean03
  • 13th Amendment outlaws slavery

    13th Amendment outlaws slavery
  • 14th Amendment gives African Americans citizenship

    14th Amendment gives African Americans citizenship
  • 15th Amendement gives African American males right to vote

    15th Amendement gives African American males right to vote
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
    Its mission is “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination”.
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    Great Migration

    Between 1910 and 1970, blacks moved from 14 states of the South, especially Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas to the other three cultural (and census-designated) regions of the United States. More townspeople with urban skills moved during the second migration. By the end of the Second Great Migration, African Americans had become an urbanized population. More than 80% lived in cities. A majority of 53% remained in the South, while 40% lived in the North and 7% in the west
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    Civil Rights Movement

  • Regional Council of Negro Leadership

    Regional Council of Negro Leadership
    In 1952, the Regional Council of Negro Leadership (RCNL), led by T. R. M. Howard, a black surgeon, entrepreneur, and planter, organized a successful boycott of gas stations in Mississippi that refused to provide restrooms for blacks.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional. The decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896 which allowed state-sponsored segregation.
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    African American Civil Rights Movement

    In defiance, African Americans adopted a combined strategy of direct action with nonviolent resistance known as civil disobedience, giving rise to the African-American Civil Rights Movement of 1955–68.
  • Rosa Parks Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks Bus Boycott
    Rosa refused to give up her seat on a public bus to make room for a white passenger. She was secretary of the Montgomery NAACP chapter and had recently returned from a meeting at the Highlander Center in Tennessee where nonviolent civil disobedience as a strategy had been discussed.
  • Desegregating Little Rock

    Desegregating Little Rock
    On the first day of school, only one of the nine students showed up because she did not receive the phone call about the danger of going to school. She was harassed by white protesters outside the school, and the police had to take her away in a patrol car to protect her. Afterward, the nine students had to carpool to school and be escorted by military personnel in jeeps.
  • NAACP Sit-ins

    NAACP Sit-ins
    NAACP Youth Council sponsored sit-ins at a Dockum Drug Store in downtown Wichita, Kansas. After three weeks, the movement successfully got the store to change its policy, and soon afterward all Dockum stores in Kansas were desegregated.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Freedom Rides were journeys by Civil Rights activists on interstate buses into the segregated southern United States to test the United States Supreme Court decision Boynton v. Virginia, (1960) 364 U.S. that ended segregation for passengers engaged in interstate travel.
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    Albany Movement

    The SCLC, which had been criticized by some student activists for its failure to participate more fully in the freedom rides, committed much of its prestige and resources to a desegregation campaign in Albany, Georgia, in November 1961. King, who had been criticized personally by some SNCC activists for his distance from the dangers that local organizers faced ntervened personally to assist the campaign led by both SNCC organizers and local leaders.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    the 1963 march was a collaborative effort of all of the major civil rights organizations, the more progressive wing of the labor movement, and other liberal organizations. The march had six official goals:
    meaningful civil rights laws,
    a massive federal works program,
    full and fair employment,
    decent housing,
    the right to vote, and
    adequate integrated education.