Civil Right Movement

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    • This event is one of the most significant trials in US history. Segregation of White and Black Children - This supreme court case ended segregation in the classroom. Brown Vs. the Board of Education Historic Site.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott - Articles, historical timelines and biographies of important people who made the Montgomery Bus Boycott a critical piece of US history. Rosa Parks - One of the most famous people to come out of the Civil rights movement, Rosa Parks was a key factor in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Martin Luther King Jr. - The face of the Civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr. helped to lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Sit-in Campaign

    Sit-in Campaign - The basis of sit-in campaigns resulted from students "sitting" at lunch counters until they were acknowledged and served food.
    Nashville, TN Sit-in Campaigns - African Americans would sit and wait at the lunch counters in a very polite, non-violent manner. If police arrested them for not leaving, a new group of African Americans would take their place.
  • Freedom Rides

    Civil Rights Movements and Freedom Rides - Learn how American's tested the commitment to Civil rights through this unique strategy.
    Freedom Riders - The Congress on Racial Equality organized these techniques by placing black and white volunteers next to each other on buses and other forms of public transportation.
    Freedom Rides - See how the freedom riders played a part in the Civil rights movement timeline.
  • Mississippi Riot

    Mississippi Riot - Learn how the state of Mississippi rallied against a federal court's decision to allow one black man to attend an all white school. James H. Meredith - This man was a crucial figure in the American Civil rights movement. By having a federal court approve his case to attend an all white school in Mississippi, riots broke out and in turn paved the way for equality in the US.
  • Birmingham

    Birmingham Demonstrations - Read about the efforts Martin Luther King Jr. and citizens hoping for change took to ensure equality for all.
    Birmingham Civil Rights District - A historical look at all of the events that took place in Birmingham during the Civil rights movement.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington - With an estimated 250,000 people in attendance, this was truly a landmark event for the Civil rights movement. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom - Both black and white people gathered together to witness Martin Luther King Jr. give his historical "I Have a Dream" speech."I Have a Dream" - Read the words, written and spoke by Martin Luther King Jr., which united a nation.
  • Freedom Summer

    In the summer of l964, forty-one Freedom Schools opened in the churches, on the back porches, and under the trees of Mississippi.
    Mississippi Freedom Summer (Summer Project) Events
  • Selma

    Bloody Sunday - The demonstration march from Selma to Montgomery was nicknamed "Bloody Sunday" due to the brutality and violence troops used against the peaceful demonstrators.
    March 7th Selma, Alabama - Over 600 people partook in the March from Selma, Alabama.