Civil right

  • Period: to

    Civil Right

  • Jackie Roberson

    Jackie Roberson
    Jackie Roberson drafted to become the first African American baseball player
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    Father of Linda Brown charged the Topeka board of education with voilating Linda's rights by denying her access to an all white school that was only 4 blocks away, instead she had to go to the nearest all black school which was 21 blocks away. The Surpreme Court unanimously struck down the segregation of schooling, as it was an unconstitutional voilation of the 14th amendment.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    9 African American were going to a all white school in Arkansa, the State governer send in state troopers to prevent them from entering right after the Surpreme Court ruled no more segretation, the president send in troops to escort them into the school for protection and safety
  • March to Washington

    March to Washington
    MKl was the leader of the march where over 250,000 people marched with him to Washington to give his speech and demand the Civil Rights Bill
  • Death of a hero

    Death of a hero
    MLK was shot on his baconey where he was killed that day, he knew it was gonna happen. Lorraine Motel was the person who shot him. He died at the age of 39 and was earned as the youngest Noble Peace award