Women's Rights

  • Wyoming Grants Women the Right to Vote

    Wyoming Grants Women the Right to Vote
    Wyoming becomes the first state to grant women the right to vote in the United States. The governor at the time, Francis E. Warren wrote "Our best people and in fact all classes are universally in favor of women suffrage." Soon after Wyoming became known as the Equality state and continued to support Women's rights. Once Wyoming became a state in 1890, then they could officially grant women the right to vote.
  • Susan B. Anthony Dies

    Susan B. Anthony Dies
    Susan B. Anthony was an American social reformer and women's rights activist who played a pivotal role in women's suffrage movement. She founded the National Woman's suffrage Association, alongside Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She died of heart disease and pneumonia in Rochester NY at the age of 86.
  • Margaret Sanger and the First Birth Control Clinic

    Margaret Sanger and the First Birth Control Clinic
    Margaret Sanger was a birth control activist and nurse, who opened the 1st birth control clinic. While all in secret more than 100 women showed up on the 1st day. The news of the clinic was spread by mouth and was shut down temporarily 3 times. When Sanger opened the clinic for a 3rd time, on the 10th day, police forced her landlord to evict her and the staff. The police arrested Sanger and she served 30 days in jail. She appealed her case and the ruling allowed doctor staffed clinics all over.
  • The 19th Amendment is Ratified

    The 19th Amendment is Ratified
    The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. Through the hard work of leaders like Susan b. Anthony, Alice Paul, and Carrie chapman Catt, women all over the United States had finally achieved the right to vote. During the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson a massive suffrage parade broke out. This not only got attention on the subject, but also showed America that women were a force to be reckoned with. On November 2nd 1920, more than 8 million women voted for the first time in the U.S.
  • Women Enter the Work Force

    Women Enter the Work Force
    Millions of women fill the jobs of men when they are drafted in WWII. Women prove they can do the mans job but still remain feminine. After the war many still stayed in their jobs and this led to another major conflict the men come back to fill there jobs but the women still want the job. Women push there way into the work force by proving they can do it .
  • Carrie Chapman Catt Dies

    Carrie Chapman Catt Dies
    Carrie Chapman Catt was an american women's suffrage leader who campaigned for the nineteenth amendment. She believed if women could vote they could help improve the conditions of life for women and children. Unfortunately, she died in New Rochelle New York of a hard attack at the age of 88.
  • The National Organization for Women is Founded

    The National Organization for Women is Founded
    (NOW) National Organization for Women is founded. The organization stood for equality between men and women. They believed in total equality between the man in the woman. Today it is the largest organization for feminist activists with 550,000 members in the 50 states. 28 Women founded it back in 1966 and since it has become more than they ever dreamed of giving full equality in the day to day life of both genders.
  • Alice Paul Dies

    Alice Paul Dies
    Alice Stokes Paul was an American suffragist, feminist, and women's rights activist, and one of the main leaders and strategist of the nineteenth Amendment. She dedicated her life to equal rights among men and women. She sadly died of congestive heart failure at the age of 92
  • The Violence Against Women Act

    The Violence Against Women Act
    The violence Against Women Act funds services for victims of rape and domestic violence, allows women to seek civil rights remedies for gender related crimes, provides training to increase police and official sensitivity and a national 24-hour hotline for battered women. The act was expanded and improved in 2000 and later Reauthorized in 2005.
  • Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace Prize
    Malala Yousafzai wins the Nobel Peace prize and is the youngest to win at age of 17. She was an activist for female education. Back in 2012 she was shot by a Taliban gunman after she gained crowds of other girls like her to the attention of their own education. Previously all education for females was banned, thanks to Malala, girls can now get an education with out being gunned down by the Taliban.