Civics and Gov Timeline

By Yantan
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania to two immigrants. On this very day and second the axis of the Earth changed and several stars were created as the universe got ready to welcome the best human being to ever be born.
  • September 11th Attacks

    September 11th Attacks
    On September 11th one of the largest terrorist attacks in history occurred. These attacks were coordinated hijacking and flying of planes by Al-Qaeda into some of the largest and most important buildings in the United States. About 3,000 people died due to these attacks. After the attacks the United states changed greatly as "The War on Terror" began and security tightened. Many of our modern day problems can connect to this terrorist attack. (Library Resources)
  • War on Terror

    War on Terror
    The War on Terror was a policy instated by George Bush after the 9/11 attacks to fight against individuals, groups, and governments who supported terrorist activities against the United States. In October 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan to remove the Taliban from power as they refused the U.S wishes of having Osama bin Laden and dismantling Al Qaeda. (
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    On January 8th George Bush signed the No Child Left Behind act which has become a controversial law making standardized testing a must in all states for public schools. However problems have occurred with these tests including cheating, under funding, and students not getting help that's needed and supposed to be provided in the law. (
  • Homeland Security Act

    Homeland Security Act
    The Homeland Security Act created the Department of Homeland Security in Response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The department grew from The Office of Homeland Security which bush announced the creation of during an emergency meeting of Congress. The job of the director of this new department was lead a nationsal strategy to defend against potential terrorist attacks.
  • Iraq Invasion

    Iraq Invasion
    George Bush starts the Iraq war despite protest by other major European countries including France, Germany, and Russia. This mission was to remove Sadam Hussien from power of Iraq.
    Along with being part of Bush's War on Terror. However it has costed money that we still pay today.(
  • Bush is Reelected

    Bush is Reelected
    In 2004 George W. Bush was reelected as the president of the United States. Bush narrowly beat John Kerry for the presidency. According to John Kerry even this election may have had complication similar to George Bush's first run for presidency. Today we still feel the economical disadvantages and positives of George Bush's decisions in office.(
  • Roper vs. Simmons

    Roper vs. Simmons
    On March 1st the Supreme court ruled the death sentence unconstitutional for minors who have committed serious and major crimes. This overall has changed how the death sentence is seen especially as now people are fighting for the death sentence to be removed in all. (
  • Soccer

    During this time period I was first introduced to soccer and other sports. Creating a love for activities, games, and of course winning that I still have to this day. Overall this introduction has shaped who I am and what I do today.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was one of the most devastating hurricanes in United States history flooding almost all of New Orleans and being one of the deadliest hurricanes killing nearly 2,000 people and affecting 90,000 square miles along with costing the United States hundreds of billions of dollars. (
  • My Brother was Born

    My Brother was Born
    My brother Elie was born on September 18, 2006 in Allentown PA.
    Sharing and a little responsibility soon became a must as my brother came into the family. My brother has taught me a lot about what he likes and about responsibility and kindness.
  • Moving to Abington

    Moving to Abington
    In August of 2008 my family moved from Allentown, PA to Abington due to my dad getting a job in Philadelphia. I had to leave my many friends behind as I moved here and went to a new school. I've met loads of different people and have made new friends however I haven't talked to my old friends in a while.
  • Barack Obama Wins Presidecy

    Barack Obama Wins Presidecy
    Barack Obama wins the presidential election with running mate Joe Biden against Republican candidate John McCain and Sarah Palin.
    Obama won the title of the 44th President winning the majority of most if not all minorities as he became the first African - American President.(
  • Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act

    Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act
    This prevention act was signed by President Obama to include crimes motivated by the victims gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, in the US federal hate-crime law. Which protects people against hate crimes like crimes commited because of race. This was a major step in the safety and equality for people who identify as LGBTQ.(
  • Trumpet

    I started to play trumpet in elementary school. Trumpet had been a passion I have had loads of fun with life soccer. I have played trumpet already for six years and want to continue especially by playing in the jazz band. Trumpet like soccer has taugh many life skills and responsibilities along with helping me enjoy and understand music to the fullest.
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    Osama Bin Laden Killed
    Barack Obama announces the death of Al Qaeda leader and master mind of September 11th attacks, Osama bin Laden dead. During a 40 minute raid 23 Navy SEALs infiltrate Bin Laden's home, killing him and one of his sons. This assassination was a beginning of an end for the War on Terror as finally the main target was killed. However, terrorism is still a major threat today as groups like ISIS continue to try to gain power through fear and death throughout the Middle East. (
  • Barack Obama Reelected

    Barack Obama Reelected
    Barack Obama wins a reelection against republican candidate Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan. Romney was winning the popular vote however Obama won the electoral college along with the majority of Hispanic and African American votes which have been growing in importance in each election. With his reelection Obama was able to pass his promising Obamacare allowing people to receive affordable healthcare. (
  • Senate finally agrees on Budget

    Senate finally agrees on Budget
    After 4 years without a United States budget the senate finally agrees on a vote on a budget. This finally would allow for a proper allocation of tax payer money along with paying for the many benefits and bureaus of the government. With a budget finally in place the United States could properly work and hopefully slowly cut down the national debt. (
  • Leaving Elementary School

    Leaving Elementary School
    After years of work finally elementary school was over meaning I'd finally go to Junior High as more and more options opened up. Awards given at the end of school were just another motivation to keep doing well in and out of school. With the many options that I could open up I have been able to find things I love to do while learning new things about myself, others, and subjects.
  • Germany Trip

    Germany Trip
    In the summer of 2013 I was able to go to Germany by myself to see family, attractions, and to have fun. There I became more independent as I spent my time with my grandparents and my cousins. There was much to see as I went to the banking capital of Germany, Frankfurt, and also got to the the vast history of Europe, with it's many castles, unique architecture and more.
  • Going to Abington Junior High School

    Going to Abington Junior High School
    Going to middle school was another life changing event as more and more responsibility was given. Along with the ability to meet new people and learn greater more interesting things. Middle school has taught me many life skills and lessons that have helped both in school and in the world.
  • Bar Mitzvah

    Bar Mitzvah
    My Bar Mitzvah was a major event that has changed me overall as I have become an "adult". Becoming Bar Mitzvahed meant more responsibilities, work, and opportunities. This overall had made me a more effective worker and student. Not only did this help me with life skills I was able to go to Israel, see family, and understand the thousands of years of history.
  • Gay Marriage Legalized

    Gay Marriage Legalized
    Supreme court legalizes gay marriage becoming an influential and large movement in both gay rights and in equality in a country that was first supposed to be built on people's civil rights and liberties. Today gay couples can gay married in any state and can finally share certain rights and insurances that before they couldn't.
  • Soccer Winning division

    Soccer Winning division
    After playing for a travel soccer team for a couple years the team began to grow as we got better and better. Soon enough we had one our division undefeated and placed second in several major tournaments. The team was placed on the map as a real contender in any major tournament as we were invited by large clubs to play. After loads of practice, time, and perseverance everything finally paid off and has showed me how practice and passion can help you succeed.
  • Hillary Clinton becomes Democratic Nominee

    Hillary Clinton becomes Democratic Nominee
    Hillary Clinton becomes one of very few women to win a presidential nomination especially for a major party like the Democratic Party. She may become the first woman president as she runs with Tim Kaine. However opponent and Republican canidate Donald Trump may have something else to say to that as he runs with Mike Pence for the Presidency.(