Creation of the Independent Labour Party
Creation of the Labour Representation Committee : Trade Union Congress joined the Independent Labour Party
Labour Representation Committee became the Labour Party
First LP Government with Ramsay MacDonald
First LP majority in Westminster
Creation of NHS
Heath's Industrial Relation Act
Miner strike
Miner strike
Margaret Thatcher leader of the Conservative party
Dirty protest
Period: to
The Winter of Discontent
Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister
Assassination of Airey Neave (MT campaign advisor)
Assassination of Lord Mountbatten
European summit in Dublin
Employment Act by Thatcher
First Housing Act
European summit in Luxembourg
European summit in Brussels
Death of Bobby Sands
End of the hunger strike
The Falklands crisis
Tebbit Employment Act by Thatcher
Griffiths Report
Tony Blair was elected as a MP
Thatcher invited Gorbatchev at the Chequers
King Trade Union Act
Period: to
Miners' strike
Battle of Orgreave
Wages Act
Nigel Lawson: the £’s value at Dutcher Marks 3.00, joined the ERM
Margaret Thatcher's reelection
Crash of the Stock Market
Housing Act
Education Act
Creation of the National Minimum Wage Act
Tony Blair entered the Shadow Cabinet
Bruges Speech by Thatcher
Working for Patients published
G Bush Senior President
The poll tax
George Howe resigned
Kinnock resigned
Tony Blair became Shadow Cabinet Secretary
Tony Blair elected Leader of the LP
First constitution of LP abandoned