Civil war battle

Cival War: Events & Causes

  • Slave Power Conspiracy

    Slave Power Conspiracy
    The slave power conspiracy described northerners who where factory owners and promoters industry and there fear of the spread of slavery. Slavery was a sign of farming expansion, therefore creating a threat to industrialization. The south believed that slavery was economically inefficent, and they believed that a small group of powerful plantation owners would be better. This is important because it lead to the republican party protesting slavery.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act was an act that was part of a group of laws called the Compromise of 1850. This act allowed slave owners to return runaways slaves back to the state they belong in, and also bring them to court to get a 500 dollars for rescuing a fugitive slave.This was important because it had a significant impact on the creation of the anti slavery movement.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom’s Cabin was an anti slavery novel written by an american author. This book helped show the north how badly the south where treating their slaves, and changing the view in the north,the south took it as an attack which lead to the beginnings of the civil war. This was important because it was a step toward the abolishment of slavery.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas was many political debates about anti slavery and pro slavery. Part of this conflict was debating weather or not kansas would enter the union as a free state or as a slave state. The name bleeding Kansas came from a war between the north and south over slavery issues. This was important because it lead to the Kanas-Nebraska act which voided the missouri compromise.
  • Dred Scott vs. Stanford

    Dred Scott vs. Stanford
    Dread and Stanford went to the supreme court due to Dread suing Stanford who is is slave owner for his freedon. Dread scott was a runaway slave and ran to a free state, when he was captured by his owner he decided to fight for his freedom. But the court denys scott because he isnt a citizen so he has no rights, and slaves are property of there owners. This is important because it showed that slaves owners could travel to free states and still own slaves, which made many people angry.
  • John Brown & Harpers Ferry

    John Brown & Harpers Ferry
    John Brown believes that blacks and whites should be treated equal. Brown is very religious and states he can have visions with god. He says that god chose him and told him to go to Pottawatamie Creek Massacre to kill slave owning families. After he hides at harper's ferry where he was captured and hung. This is important because Johns last words where "I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land can never be purged away but with blood" soon after the cival war begins
  • King Cotton's Argument

    King Cotton's Argument
    King Cottons Argument was an argument used by the Southerners that stated that cotton was like the king in the south and that to survive in their economy they needed to produce cotton. To the south, without slaves producing cotton was not possible so they believe that slavery was necessary. This was significant because the north believed that to produce cotton you didn’t need slaves so they tried to gain the salves there freedom.