City Of Thieves Timeline

By rbeals1
  • Germany Invades Leningrad (History)

    Germany Invades Leningrad (History)
    With the Red Army much to outflanked, the Germans plow through with the Blitzkrieg. While the rest of the army rolls through Russia, Hitler orders that Leningrad isnt to be directly attacked but trapped without food, water, or any other living supplies.
  • Germany Invades Leningrad (COT)

    Germany Invades Leningrad (COT)
    The Germany army invades Leningrad,and the Siege begins
  • Hitlers Speech In Munich (COT)

    Hitlers Speech In Munich (COT)
    Hitler states that "Leningrad Must Die Of Starvation"
  • Germans Take Supply Route( History)

    The Germans take the supply line route of Tikhvin, located East of Schlusselburg.
  • Lev's Goes To Prison For Looting (COT)

    Lev see's dead pilot falling from the sky; gets arrested for looting : thrown in prison with deserter names Kolya
  • Leningrad Citizens Began To Starve (History)

    Leningrad Citizens Began To Starve (History)
    As rations begin to run out in the city of Leningrad, its citizens began to starve.
  • A Dozen Eggs (COT)

    Lev and Kolya are ordered to get a dozen eggs to bake the colonels daughter a cake.
  • Evacuate Through Frozen Passage ( History)

    Some 800,000 of Leningrad's citizens are evacuated through the frozen passage above Lake Lagoda
  • The Morning After Getting Assignment(COT)

    They spent the entire day trying to follow up on a rumor that there was an old man who lived with a group of chickens.
  • Japanese Forces Attack (History)

    Japanese forces started to attack the Philipines.
  • Kolya and Lev Escape (COT)

    After walking towards the Germans for almost a day they cause a distraction and mix in with the prisoners.
  • Combining Forces (History)

    The Allies in the south-west Pacific set up a combined force ABDA (American, British, Dutch and Australia) under the command of General Sir Archibald Wavell.
  • Game Of Chess (COT)

    Game Of  Chess (COT)
    They play a game of chess with high ranking German officer
  • Germany Reinforces The Artic Convoy (History)

    Germany Reinforces The Artic Convoy (History)
    In Europe the battleship Tirpitz moved into Trondheim, Norway, as Germany reinforces the Arctic Convoy routes.
  • Killing Germans (COT)

    Kolya and Lev killed many Germans , and ran off with the eggs. They got shot at while running away and Kolya got shot and killed.
  • Battle of Java Sea

    Battle of Java Sea – a failed attempt by the Allies to stop the Japanese attacking Java.