Citizenship In The United States

  • First Native American Reservation

  • Federal Government Requires 2 Years Of Residency To Become A Citizen

  • Congress Establishes Immigration Reporting

  • Maine Is A Free State

    Prohibition of Slavery in Territories North of Missouri
  • Removal Act

    Native Americans Are Forced To Settle In Territories West of the Mississippi River
  • Trail of Tears

    Native Americans are Forced on a Thousand Mile March to Indian Territory
  • Potato Famine

    Potato Crops Fail in Ireland and 500,000 Irish People Immigrate to the US
  • Mexican-American War

    US Gains New Territory
  • Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush Sparks Immigration From China
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Black People Are Not Considered US Citizens
  • Poland's Religious Conditions Spike Immigration to America

  • Homestead Act

    Any Individual Regardless of Gender, Ethnicity, or Country of Origin Can Claim 160 Acres of Free Land if They Have Lived There For 5 Years
  • Emancipation Proclimation

    Slavery is Abolished and African-American Men Can Join the Union Army
  • 14th Amendment

    African Americans Are Now Citizens But Native Americans Cannot Vote
  • 15th Amendment

    African-American Males Can Now Vote
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Immigration of Chinese Laborers is Suspended
  • Dawes Act

    Many Indian Reservations Are Dissolved
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Legalized Segregation
  • Dillingham Commission

    Mexican Laborers are the Best Solution For the Labor Shortage and Mexican Immigrants are Exempt From the Head Taxes
  • California Alien Law

    Aliens are Ineligible to Citizenship
  • Ozawa v US

    First-Generation Japanese Are Ineligible for Citizenship and Cannot Apply for Naturalization
  • President Coolidge Grants All Native Americans Full Citizenship

  • Executive Order 8802

    Forbade Discrimination in Federal Hiring, Job Training Programs, and Defense Industries
  • Magnuson Act

    Repeals The Chinese Exclusion Act and Makes Chinese Immigrants Eligible for Citizenship
  • California Alien Law Violates the 14th Amendment

  • Brown v Board of Education

    Separate but Equal is Ruled Unconstitutional