CIS105 Technology Use Progression

  • Development of First Network Begins

    Development of First Network Begins
    b. ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
    c. George Stibitz and his team
    d. ARPANET is the foundation for packet transferring and ended up eventually being the first network that was functional and online.
  • Rollerball

    b. Rollerball (later developed into a mouse)
    c. Ralph Benjamin
    d. Initially invented as a tool able to measure the future position of target aircraft based on inputs by the user, inputs that a joystick was too unwieldy to created. They invented the rollerball to be more precise in the inputs.
  • Colossus (First Programable Computer)

    Colossus (First Programable Computer)
    b. Colossus
    c. Tommy Flowers
    d. Was used by the British to decrypt and read German messages during World War 2.
  • First General Purpose Programmable Electronic Computer: ENIAC

    First General Purpose Programmable Electronic Computer: ENIAC
    b. ENIAC
    c. John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania
    d. At the time a very advanced calculator that could solved a range of problems through reprogramming. Unfortunately, it was primarily used to calculate artillery firing tables and helped with the development of thermonuclear weapons.
  • First Complete High-Level Language: Plankalkül

    First Complete High-Level Language: Plankalkül
    b. Plankalkül
    c. The German computer scientist Konrad Zuse
    d. A high level programming language that allows the utilization of his Z4 computers. It had a wide variety of features and was so advaced it wouldn't have a compiler until 1998.