90's Tech Timeline

  • The Internet is born

    The Internet is born
    By Christmas of 1990, Tim Berners-Lee has prototyped “WorldWideWeb,” in just three months on a computer that features a server, HTML, URLs, and the first browser.
  • MP3 Killed the CD Star

    MP3 Killed the CD Star
    Creating an audio file that matched the sound quality of CDs wasn't an easy task, but in 1992 German engineer Karlheinz Brandenburg and his team at the Fraunhofer Institute produced the first MP3 file which did just that! This technology would eventually become widespread legally and otherwise to be played on MP3 players, mobile phones, and other devices. What did they play? "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega.
  • Personal Assistants turn Digital

    Personal Assistants turn Digital
    In 1993, Apple introduces the world to Newton, the closest thing to our modern phone anyone of this time had ever known. It allowed its users to take notes, manage calendars, and store contacts. It could even recognize handwriting and translate it into text, although there was some debate as to the effectiveness of this feature! Kinda sounds like the early-90s version of auto-correct!
  • All Eyes on iMac

    All Eyes on iMac
    The iMac was the first all-in-one computer, and played a large role in saving Apple from financial ruin! This was an amazing technological advancement being that it combined many of the physical components of a computer into one brightly colored eye-catching device!
  • A Warm Welcome to Wifi!

    A Warm Welcome to Wifi!
    Wifi, then called by its less sexy name “IEEE 802.11b," allowed the internet to be accessed without all those inconvenient cables.