CIS Timeline

  • Apple's Siri

    Apple's Siri
    Siri was one of the first AI voice assistants released to the general public. It was invented by Dag Kittlaus, Tom Gruber, and Adam Cheyer.
  • NASA's Juno

    NASA's Juno
    Juno is a spacecraft that was designed by Lockheed Martin for NASA. It's a spacecraft that autonomously navigated to Jupiter and is advancing our understanding of the solar system.
  • Google's DeepDream

    Google's DeepDream
    DeepDream, an AI image generation algorithm developed by Alex Mordvintsev, was an important development in AI because it showed the creative potential that AI could have.
  • Waymo's Self-Driving Cars

    Waymo's Self-Driving Cars
    Sebastian Thrun Anthony Levandowski was the founder of Waymo - which provides a self-driving car service similar to Uber. While some might criticize the safety of a self-driving car, others embrace it over the alternative of having an unpredictable driver. This addresses a gap in the ride-sharing market while highly technologically innovative.
  • OpenAI's GPT-3

    OpenAI's GPT-3
    Ilya Sutskever is the Chief Scientist at OpenAI (the company that launched ChatGPT). It's fair to say he can be credited with inventing ChatGPT, which has been arguably the most transformative technology since the iPhone was launched. It has improved overall productivity and has sparked billions of dollars of investment into AI - particularly generative AI.