CIS 105

  • Microsoft Released

    Microsoft Released
    Microsoft released January 10th, 1990 Microsoft was a huge development and set the tone for all future processing systems like it, and even lead us to this class!
  • Period: to


  • First Internet Website Set

    First Internet Website Set
    July 13, 1991 The first website set the motion of having internet access for all.
  • Internet made available to anyone who could pay for dial-up

    Internet made available to anyone who could pay for dial-up
    July 17, 1993 Internet itself made a huge sagely into learning and education and dial-up was not very costly so most people could access it.
  • Nintendo 64 Released

    Nintendo 64 Released
    November 11, 1996 Nintendo started what was going to be a huge gaming device.
  • DVD player invented

    DVD player invented
    January 10, 1996 Portable DVD players allowed us to have movie access while on road trips, planes, trains anywhere where we wanted to watch a movie. Kind of lead into streaming on our phones, iPads, etc.
  • Portable MP3 Players Appeared

    Portable MP3 Players Appeared
    January 10, 1999 This device allowed us to listen to music, anywhere and anytime as long as it was charged and had headphones.