Battle of Puebla Events

By crnug6
  • Benito Juarez

    Benito Juarez
    Benito Juarez became president and had to pay Mexico's debts back.
  • Britain, France, and Spain want money!

    Britain, France, and Spain want money!
    Britain, France, and Spain go to Mexico and demand their money to be paid. They sent troops to collect this money.
  • Britain and Spain negotiate with Mexico

    Britain and Spain negotiate with Mexico
    Britain and Spain tell Mexico that they do not need to pay the debt and they left Mexico.
  • Zaragoza leads to Victory

    Zaragoza leads to Victory
    Zaragoza leads his Mexican Army to defeat the first French invaders.
  • France still wants their money

    France still wants their money
    France doesn't negotiate with Mexico and goes back to build up their army to take to Mexico.
  • French make Juarez retreat

    French make Juarez retreat
    The French come up to the city and Juarez sees this and has to retreat.