Oct 31, 1517
Reformation (Germany)
The reformation is dated to this day when Luther nailed to the castle church in Saxony, the Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgence. These focused on criticising the church and papacy but focused more on indulgences and doctrinal policies about purgatory, particular judgment, and the authority of the pope. Reformists made use of cheap pamphlets to try and get people back in the church -
Aug 24, 1518
Pope X Leo Condemnation
When Luther refused to take back the statements Pope Leo the X made a statement outlining the church's doctrine and condemned Luther Actions. -
Aug 24, 1519
Tension Rising
Luther wrote to the pope that he didn't mean to question the Church or the pope. The tension between Luther and Rome. -
Dec 24, 1520
Threat of Excommunication
With Luther gaining popularity in German Pope Leo only gave him 60 days to recant or face Excommunication. -
Oct 31, 1521
Martin Luther (Germany)
In Rome protests were appearing one after another when reformation ideals developed leading martin luther to express doubt of the authority and the plenitudo potestatis (jurisdictional power of the papacy) of the pope. -
Dec 24, 1524
Reformation (Switzerland)
A similar movement began in Switzerland under a person named Ulrich Zwingli. The two movements usually agreed on mostly everything but for somethings they did not agree which also made the movements different in a sort of way. Some people that followed Ulrich thought that the movement was to conservative and was becoming to radical in terms of positions. -
Jul 20, 1534
England's Reformation
The reformation of England began when Henry the 8th started to search for a male heir. When pope Clement the 7th refused to Remarry Henry he announced that he alone would be the deciding factor on authority matters relating to the english church. Henry began dissolving the monasteries by taking their wealth as well as working on giving the people of England a bible each. It was 1536 when he enforced that every parish have a copy of the bible. -
Jul 20, 1541
John Calvin
A french protestant who had spent 15 years after being exiled writing his "Institutions of the christians religion", was invited to Geneva where he would practice his doctrine. This was stressed into God's power and humanity's predestined fate. His teachings started being a hotspot for exiled people who wanted to learn as well which helped spread his doctrine to places like Scotland, France and Transylvania.