Church Timeline (1830-1870)

By Zenaria
  • Fr John McEnroe Appiontment

    Fr John McEnroe Appiontment
    Fr John McEnroe became official chaplain to Catholics in Australia, because 16,000-18,000 Catholics who barely seen a priest.
  • St Mary's Chapel Finished

    St Mary's Chapel Finished
    Celebrate the first Mass by Fr Therry
  • John Bede Polding Ordained

    John Bede Polding becomes a Bishop in London. Gets to administrates a territory (called Commonwealth of Australia in present day).
  • Bishop+Chapel/Cathedral

    Bishop Polding travels to Australia. Mary's Chapel is declared scared and turned into St Mary's Cathedral
  • School

    Bishop Polding has control over 13 active primary schools. Seven are for boys and six are for girls which both have government.
  • Church Acts

    To fund the Catholic, Church of England and Presbyterian churches.
  • Establishments

    Catholic centers created in Wollongong, Maitland, Parramatta and Windsor St Mary's Seminary.
    St Patrick's church finished in Paramatta.
  • St John’s Tasmania

    St John’s Tasmania
    The oldest Australian Catholic church that is still in use.
  • Sisters of Charity

    Sisters of Charity
    Five Sisters of Charity come to Sydney to assist people because of Archbishop Polding's request. A community of religious women who was founded by Mary Aikenhead. They live their lives to help the less fortunate.
  • Caroline Chrisholm

    Caroline Chrisholm
    Comes to Sydney.
    Promoted the wellbeing of the community and immigrants, usually by donations. Helped over 11,000 migrants in Australia and on ships. Born: 30th March, 1808
    Death: 25th March, 1877
  • Catholic newspaper

    Catholic newspaper
    Is published, writing about the church and smaller farmers, working men and the underprivileged.
    William (ex-schoolteacher turned into journalist) is the editor
  • Aboriginal Mission

    Polding starts the first Catholic Mission to Aboriginal people on Stradbroke Island.
  • Fr Francis Murphy's consecration

    Fr Francis Murphy's consecration
    Polding makes Fr Francis Murphy as Bishop Of Adelaide.
  • St John’s Pro Cathedral WA

    St John’s Pro Cathedral WA
    Earliest Roman Catholic church in WA
  • Fr John Brady consecration

    Fr John Brady consecration
    Fr John Brady becomes Bishop of Perth and moves to WA
  • St Francis’ Church Victoria

    St Francis’ Church Victoria
    Oldest Catholic church in Victoria.
  • St Patrick’s SA

    St Patrick’s SA
    First and main area of Catholic worship in SA
  • ,Sisters of Mercy

    ,Sisters of Mercy
    Came to Australia. Opened schools and hospitals all around Australian.
  • Fr James Goold's consecration

    Fr James Goold's consecration
    Fr James Goold becomes Bishop of Melbourne.
  • Old St Stephen’s Church QLD

    Old St Stephen’s Church QLD
    Oldest Church in Queensland
  • Archdiocese

    A total of 33 parishes, 30 churches, 35 priests, 55,000 Catholics (mostly Irish), 50 monks, nuns and religious students.
  • Eureka Stockade

    Gold miners rebelled against the British administration.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    The Gold rush begins, as someone found flecks of gold in a waterhole, NSW. People rushed over to hopefully get rich.
  • Society of St Vincent de Paul

    Society of St Vincent de Paul
    Establish in Australia.
    The first conference in Melbourne
    Commonly known as 'Vinnies'
    Now an international organization.
    45,000+ member
    200+ programs and services.
  • Good Samaritan Sisters

    Good Samaritan Sisters
    Australia's first women's religious group. Would care for the poor
  • Elizabeth McQuoin

    Elizabeth McQuoin
    Came to Sydney.
    Founder of the sisters of mercy that established school and assisted the poor Born: 1819
    Died: April 24th, 1893
  • Mary Mackillop

    Mary Mackillop
    Opened a school because she wanted to provide education for poor kids. Gathered many women to help. Founded the first religious order, the Sisters of St Joseph Born: January 15th, 1842
    Died: August 8th, 1909
  • Fr Julian Tenison Woods

    Fr Julian Tenison Woods
    Was a priest who helped Mary Mackillop as he co-founded Sisters of St Joseph. Born: November 15th 1832
    Died: October 7th, 1889
  • Presentation Sisters

    Presentation Sisters
    Came to Australia because they followed a call. Helped poor and needy.
  • Duke of Edinburgh

    Duke of Edinburgh
    Second son of Queen Victoria.
    Henry O'Farrell tried to shoot Duke Of Edinburgh when the duke was visiting.

    He did the first royal tour of Australia.
  • Christian Brothers

    Christian Brothers
    In WA, they control the children's homes Bindoon, Castledare Special School, Castledare, Clontarf, Subiaco Boys' Orphanage and Tardun Farm School.