Chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga choo choo!

  • Period: to

    road to civil war

  • missouri comprimise

    missouri comprimise
    north and south had heated debates ove slavery.
    henrey clay settles debate
    helped maintain an equal number of slave and free states.
    on line 36, 30
  • nullification crisis

    nullification crisis
    south felt tarrifs were stupid and they supported the north
    john calhoun said a state could nullify and law if it was uncontitutional
    federal government denied south carolina
    south caroline threatend to secede
    henrey claw lowerd tarrif
  • comprimise of 1850

    comprimise of 1850
    congress had heated debates over land aquired from mexico
    henrey clay made a solution to fix everythin
    californa was voted free
    all other land didnt have laws on slavery
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    5000 from missouri came to kansas and voted illeagley for slavery
    anti-slavery oppenents started own government.
    anti-slavey government was attacked by pro-slavery
  • dread scott decision

    dread scott decision
    he was a slave who lived in free states before moving back to a slave state
    all black couldnt become us citizens
    court decared compromise of 1820 uncontitutional
    slavery was permitted in all of the countrys territories
  • attack on harpers ferry

    attack on harpers ferry
    john brown wanted slaves to fight for freedom
    brown and all his men were captured
    he was put to death
    tensions boiled over in the usa
  • the election of 1860

    the election of 1860
    abraham lincoln wins the election
    southy begins to secede
    civil war starts