Chronology of the Hazaras

  • Abdur Rahman Khan becomes rule of Afghanistan

    Appointed by the British government; four civil wars take place during his rule, including the Hazara war
  • Period: to

    The First Uprising of the Hazaras

    The first uprising was started by Abdur Rahman Khan's cousin, Emir Abdur Rahman in which tribal leaders of the Shiekh Ali Hazaras joined him. The revolt was short-lived and annihilated; Abdur had taken advantage of the fact that the Sheikh Ali Hazaras had allies in different groups, pitting the Sunni and Shia Hazaras against each other.
  • Period: to

    The Beginning of the End

    The Pashtuns invaded Hazara lands in Kandahar, Helmand, Ghazni, Urozgan, Zabul, and Maydan. They also forced the Hazaras into slavery, displacement, and decimated over 62% of the population.
  • Thousands of prisoners were sent out and distributed as slaves

  • Hazara Genocides and Atrocities

    Carried out by Amir Abdur Rahman; sexual abuse against women, harsh treatment, ruthless killing, death marches, torture, slavery, etc.
  • The Second Uprising

    Occurring in the Spring of 1892, the cause of the uprising was due to an assault on the wife of a Hazara Chieftan by Afghan soldiers The family of the Chieftan, attacked the soldiers, and the local garrison. Several tribal leaders, who endorsed Abdur, turned and joined the rebellion, which spread throughout Hazarajat. The end result, the rebellion defeated by Emir, and the local population being displaced, some being massacred.
  • Troops ordered to move in on all sides of the Hazara and kill them

  • 400,000 Hazara's migrate to other places to escape the brutality; Land confiscated from Hazaras; 8000 Hazaras massacred

  • Haraza forced to pray towards the Sunni Faith

    A law was made to force the Hazara to pray at Sunni altars, under the provision of the Pashtun government. The Shia altars was to be sold or dismantled.
  • Period: to


    The Pashtun invaded more Hazara land in Ghazni, Urozgan, Parwan, Maydan, and other areas. The Hazaras faced discrimination from the Pashtun and target killings have increased.
  • Genocide II

    in Kabul, the Mujahadeen government, and its allies exterminated and left injured casualties of thousands of Hazara men, women, and children.
  • Talibans Come in

    The Taliban killed more than ten thousand Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif. More massacres emerged in Afghanistan following the event.
  • Destruction of Hazara culture

    The Pashtun Taliban destroyed ancient Buddha sculptures of Bamyan, symbols of Hazara history and culture, which were also one of the most popular masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity.
  • Period: to

    Pillaging and Forbidding

    Mullah Omar, leader of Pashtun Taliban, ordered Pashtun Kochis to invade and loot Hazara lands. Omar also banned the practice of the traditional new year's celebration, Nawruz.
  • Period: to

    Discrimination Continues

    Attacks continued on Hazara, with pillaging increasing. Discrimination increased against the Hazara; they received less than 2% of the annual national budget.
  • Period: to

    Present Conditions

    Hazara roads blocked, abductions and killings of Hazaras continued. Pashtun invaded more Hazara land in Ghazni, Maydan, Ghor, and Urozgan, and attacks increased as they supported by the government and the Taliban. Attacks increased on Hazara civil society. Peace demonstrations occurred, and the government tried to obstruct passages to these demonstrations.
  • Casualties in Peaceful Demonstration

    Suicide bombers attacked a peaceful demonstration, resulting in the death of 84 Hazara demonstrators.