
  • 4026 BCE

    Man's creation

  • 4026 BCE

    Edenic Covenant (Genesis 3:15)

  • Period: 4026 BCE to 3096 BCE


  • Period: 3404 BCE to 3039 BCE


  • Period: 3339 BCE to 2370 BCE


  • Period: 3152 BCE to 2375 BCE


  • 3039 BCE

    Enoch transfered

  • Period: 2970 BCE to 2020 BCE


  • 2470 BCE


  • Period: 2468 BCE to 1868 BCE


  • 2370 BCE

    The Deluge\ The Flood

  • 2369 BCE

    Covenant after the Flood

  • Period: 2368 BCE to 1939 BCE


    Born to Shem 2 years after the Flood, when he was 100 years old
  • Period: 2333 BCE to 1900 BCE


  • Period: 2303 BCE to 1839 BCE


    Το εδάφιο Γένεση 10:21 αναφέρεται στον «Σημ, τον προπάτορα όλων των γιων του Έβερ [«τον πρόγονο όλων των Εβραίων», AT, Mo· “τον γενάρχη όλων των Εβραίων”, ΜΠΚ], τον αδελφό του Ιάφεθ του μεγαλύτερου». Προφανώς εδώ μνημονεύεται ο Έβερ σε άμεσο συσχετισμό με τον Σημ λόγω της σπουδαιότητας που αποδίδει η Αγία Γραφή στους απογόνους του Έβερ, ιδιαίτερα από τον Αβραάμ και έπειτα.
  • Period: 2269 BCE to 2030 BCE


    Ο Φάλεκ έζησε 239 χρόνια και ίδρυσε μία από τις 70 μετακατακλυσμιαίες οικογένειες
    .Στον Φάλεκ δόθηκε αυτό το όνομα διότι «στις ημέρες του διαιρέθηκε η γη». (Γε 10:25· 1Χρ 1:19) Τα συγκεκριμένα αποσπάσματα δεν λένε: όταν γεννήθηκε ο Φάλεκ, εκατό χρόνια μετά τον Κατακλυσμό, αλλά απλώς «στις ημέρες του». Αν τον ονόμασαν έτσι κατά τη γέννησή του, αυτό πιθανόν να ήταν προφητικό του διασκορπισμού που προέκυψε από τη σύγχυση των γλωσσών στον Πύργο της Βαβέλ.—Γε 11:1-9·
  • 2268 BCE

    The Tower of Babel

  • Period: 2239 BCE to 2000 BCE


  • Period: 2207 BCE to 1977 BCE


  • Period: 2177 BCE to 2029 BCE


  • Period: 2148 BCE to 1943 BCE


  • Period: 2018 BCE to 1843 BCE


  • 1943 BCE

    Beginning of the 430 years to Law Covenant

  • 1943 BCE

    Abrahamic Covenant validated

    Abraham crosses Euphrates on his way to Canaan
    Abraham is 75 years old
  • 1933 BCE

    Lot rescued /Abraham visits Melchizedek

  • Period: 1932 BCE to 1795 BCE


  • 1919 BCE

    Covenant of the Circumcision

  • 1919 BCE

    Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah

  • 1918 BCE

    The beginning of "about 450 years"

    Isaac - the true heir.
  • Period: 1918 BCE to 1738 BCE


  • 1913 BCE

    "400 year of afliction" begin

    Weaning of Isaac. Ishmael sent away.
  • 1881 BCE

    Sarah dies

  • Period: 1767 BCE to 1657 BCE


    Born when Jacob was probably 91 years old
    Τότε ο Ιακώβ ήταν προφανώς 91 χρονών.—Παράβαλε Γε 41:46, 47, 53, 54· 45:11· 47:9.
  • Period: 1767 BCE to 1657 BCE


  • 1737 BCE

    Joseph made prime minister in Egypt

  • Period: 1650 BCE to 1473 BCE


  • 1613 BCE

    Job's trial

    If Moses completed the book of Job about the time of Israel’s entry into the Promised Land in 1473 B.C.E. (probably not long after Job’s death), this would place the time of Job’s trial about 1613 B.C.E., for Job lived 140 years after his trial was over.​—Job 42:16, 17.
    it-2 p. 81 - Insight, Volume 2
  • 1600 BCE

    EGYPT - 1st World Power

  • Period: 1593 BCE to 1473 BCE


  • Period: 624 BCE to 582 BCE

    Nebuchadnezzar II

    Second ruler of the Neo-Babylonian Empire; son of Nabopolassar and father of Awil-Marduk (Evil-merodach), who succeeded him to the throne.
  • Period: 560 BCE to 530 BCE


    Cyrus succeeded his father Cambyses I to the throne of Anshan, which was then under the suzerainty of the Median king Astyages. Diodorus places the start of Cyrus’ reign in the first year of the 55th Olympiad, or 560/559 B.C.E. Herodotus relates that Cyrus revolted against the Median rulership and, because of the defection of Astyages’ troops, was able to capture the capital of the Medes, Ecbatana.
    Cyrus is believed to have fallen in battle in 530 B.C.E., though the details are somewhat obscure.
  • Period: 556 BCE to 539 BCE


    Last supreme monarch of the Babylonian Empire; father of Belshazzar. On the basis of cuneiform texts he is believed to have ruled some 17 years (556-539 B.C.E.).
  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus the Persian conquers Babylon

    Aryan world domination begins. By this victory Cyrus brought to an end the domination of Mesopotamia and the Middle East by Semitic rulers and produced the first dominant world power of Aryan origin.
    History confirms that King Cyrus of Persia and his army conquered the city of Babylon in 539 B.C.E.
    (Isaiah 44:27–45:2) just as the Bible had foretold 200 years before
  • 537 BCE

    First group of Exiles returns to Jerusalem

    Ezra 1:1-6
    King Cyrus orders a decree to rebuilt the temple. After a long trip, starting early spring 537BCE, 42,360 Israelites, besides slaves and professional singers, leaded by high priest Joshua and appointed by Cyrus governor Zerubbabel, arrived in Judah, carrying temple treasures with them, in time to celebrate the Festival of Booths in Tishri (September - October) 537B.C.E.
    First thing they built the altar of Jehovah
    Ezra 3:1-6
  • Period: 536 BCE to 520 BCE

    Foundation of the Temple laid

    in 536 BCE the Jews laid the foundation for the new Temple in Jerusalem. Sadly the work stopped for many years because of opposition from enemies and apathy on the part of the Jews
  • Period: 529 BCE to 522 BCE

    Cambyses (Ahasuerus)

    The Ahasuerus of Ezra 4:6, in the beginning of whose reign an accusation was written against the Jews by their enemies, may have been Cambyses, the successor of Cyrus the conqueror of Babylon and liberator of the Jews.
  • 522 BCE

    Artaxerxes (?) the ruler who caused the building of the temple to be stopped.

    Between the reigns of Cyrus the Great and of Darius the Great possibly three kings ruled: Cambyses II, his brother Bardiya (or possibly a Magian known as Gaumata who pretended to be Bardiya and ruled for seven months),and Nidintu-Bel (defeated and killed by Darius after just two months). Cambyses is evidently “Ahasuerus” mentioned at Ezra 4:6.Therefore, beginning with Ezra 4:7, the ruler referred to as “Artaxerxes” is either Bardiya or Gaumata, whose rule lasted but seven months(522 B.C.E.)
  • Period: 522 BCE to 486 BCE

    Darius the Great rules

  • 520 BCE


    Begun two months after Haggai. (Hag 1:1; Zec 1:1) called a “young man.”​—Zec 2:4.
    Zechariah and Haggai were used by Jehovah to stimulate Zerubbabel, High Priest Jeshua, and the returned exiles to finish rebuilding Jehovah’s temple even though a Persian government ban was still in effect. (Ezr 5:1, 2; 6:14, 15) Zechariah’s prophecy contains messages that he delivered to that end over a period of two years and a month. (Zec 1:1, 7; 7:1, 8) Any other prophetic activity he performed is not recorded.
  • 520 BCE


    Haggai became the first postexilic prophet (maybe also a priest) and was joined about two months later by Zechariah.
    Jehovah sent the prophets to rekindle people's zeal to resume Temple construction. Haggai delivers his message in a period of four months.High Priest Joshua, governor Zerubbabel and the people respond favorably and go to work on the Temple 23 days after Haggai begins prophesying.
    Haggai and Zechariah continued to urge them on in the work until the temple was completed in515 B.C.E
  • 515 BCE

    Temple Completed

    Temple rebuilding got under way under Governor Zerubbabel’s direction and, after serious interference and the infiltration of some apathy among the returned Jews, was finally completed by March of 515 B.C.E.
  • Period: 493 BCE to 475 BCE

    Book of Esther covering time

  • 490 BCE


    The name Mordecai (Marduka) as it appears in Persian cuneiform writing,
    In 1992, Professor Edwin M. Yamauchi published ten names from the Persepolis texts that are also found in the book of Esther.
  • 489 BCE


    Hadassah (meaning “Myrtle”)
    Esther was selected as queen in the seventh year of Ahasuerus’ reign. (Es 2:16, 17)
  • Period: 486 BCE to 465 BCE

    Xerses I rules

    A coregency of Xerxes with Darius can be seen especially from Persian bas-reliefs that have come to light. In Persepolis several bas-reliefs have been found that represent Xerxes standing behind his father’s throne, dressed in clothing identical to his father’s and with his head on the same level. This is unusual, since ordinarily the king’s head would be higher than all others.
  • 484 BCE

    Decree for the anihilation of Jews

    Decree for the anihilation of Jews
    Ester interveves after Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) decrees the extermination of the Jews
  • 480 BCE

    Xerxes I invades Greece

    Xerxes I invades Greece
    jw #His actions also fit the description of the fourth Persian king, who would “rouse up everything against the kingdom of Greece.” (Da 11:2) Endeavoring to retaliate for the Persian defeat at Marathon, Xerxes launched massive forces against the Greek mainland in 480 B.C.E. Following a costly victory at Thermopylae and the destruction of Athens, his forces met defeat at Salamis and later at Plataea, causing Xerxes to return to Persia.
  • Period: 475 BCE to 425 BCE

    Artaxerxes Longimanus

    Artaxerxes Longimanus extended permission to Ezra the priest and also to Nehemiah to make trips to Jerusalem. (Ezr 7:1-7; Ne 2:1, 7, 8) Ancient historians credit him with a generally benign and generous personality. This generous contribution may explain why Artaxerxes is included along with Cyrus and Darius at Ezra 6:14 as one of those whose orders contributed to the ‘building and finishing’ of the temple, although the actual construction had been completed 47 years previously in 515BCE
  • 468 BCE

    Ezra and a second group of exiles travel to Jerousalem

    7th year of Artaxerxes traveled:1 Nissan - 1 Av (5th month = July/ August)
    Ezra may have been more than 30 years old when he went to Jerusalem with more than 7000 people ( 38 Levites and 220 Nethinim included) bringing things “to beautify the house of Jehovah” (Ezr 7:27),
    Persian king Artaxerxes Longimanus granted to Ezra “all his request” with respect to going to Jerusalem and advancing pure worship there.
    The treasures brought by them were evidently worth more than $43,000,000.​—Ezr 8:25-27.
  • 460 BCE


    jw #Persian emperors Darius, Xerxes, and Artaxerxes Longimanus later built the royal city of Persepolis, equipping it with a large network of underground tunnels, evidently to supply fresh water .Xerxes’ reign was marked by certain administrative reforms and the completion of much of the construction work his father had initiated at Persepolis. (Compare Es 10:1, 2.)
  • 455 BCE

    Jerusalem's walls completed

  • 455 BCE

    Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to rebuilt the walls

    During the 20th year of his reign (455 B.C.E.), Artaxerxes Longimanus granted permission to Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls and gates of the city. (Ne 2:1-8) Because this is referred to at Daniel 9:25 as relating to the time of the promised coming of the Messiah, the date of Artaxerxes’ 20th year is very important.
  • 2 BCE

    Jesus’ Birth

  • 2 BCE


    8th day
  • 2 BCE


    Jesus is 40 days old.
  • Period: 2 BCE to 33


  • 1 BCE

    Astrologers Visit Jesus

    When the astrologers enter the house, they find Mary with a young child​—Jesus.
  • 12

    Young Jesus at the temple

  • 29

    Jesus Gets Baptized

  • 29

    First disciples

    Andrew and John
    Peter and James
    next day Philip them Nathanael
  • 29

    First Miracle

  • 29

    40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness

  • 30


  • 30

    John the Baptist is arrested by King Herod

    Upon hearing about John’s being arrested, Jesus leaves Judea with his disciples and ‘withdraws into Galilee.
  • 30

    Teaches a Samaritan Woman

  • Period: 30 to 30

    following the Passover of 30 C.E., Jesus and his disciples have spent eight months or so in Judea, teaching and baptizing.

    .Ιωάννης 4:35, 36.
    τέσσερις μήνες μέχρι τον θερισμό