Pychoanalytic or psychodynamic
Personality formed via childhood experiences
Refer to ID, EGO and SUPEREGO (in conflict with each other) which progress during 5 stages of human development -
Founder of individual psychology, refer to unity and coherence. People are unique and therefore no single theory can describe their development. Belonging and positive social environments are important. -
Pychoanalytic theory/Neo-analytic theorist
Refer to CONSCIOUS & PERSONAL UNCONSCIOUS, COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS as well as the psyche, the self & individuation.
Focus on masculine, feminine, spiritual, animalistic. -
Socially-Oriented Psychoanalist
Believed that people were able to act as their own therapists, emphasizing the personal role each person has in their own mental health.
Core elements: basic conflict, basic evil, basic anxiety, neurosis, self-realisation, despised vs ideal self, pride and glory -
Psycho-social theorist
External factors, environment and parents impact on childhood development. Developed eight interrelated stages of development through which a person must grow. -
Existential/Phenomenological theorist
Focus on individual’s conscious experience in reality because it exists independent from observer.
Person-centered therapy -
Behaviour is actually formed and maintained through the environment. Coined concepts related to reinforcement and types thereof. Used animals in experiments. -
Existential/Phenomenological theorist
Emphasis on role and experience of meaning.
Logo therapy: meaning and search for meaning.
Found that meaning of life can be experienced in spite of high-stress of concentration camps and even apartheid.
Refers to need driven motivational factors and self fulfilment factors. Established a hierarchy of basic needs -
Social Learning
Positive vs Negative expectations
Locus of control -
Cognitive Behaviour Theorist
Father of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Moved away from psycho analysis, refer to negative interpretations people made, focus on modifying thoughts, changed distorted thinking and thus change behaviour. -
Social Learning
Motivation linked to attention and memory
Observation, imitation and modelling are important aspects in learning